How long is the support response?

68 days and still counting, it's crazy.

I just need you to transfer coins from one sub-account to another, extremely frustrating.
GGG please respond to your supporters, have some respect.
69 days since ticket
38 days since last reply
- December 12th detailed initial email for ideally a quick and smooth resolution
- December 23rd response asking for transaction ids, some character names and account ID (both full IDs were provided twice in initial email)
- I replied back in detail within 12 hours
- No response since, 3-month anniversary coming up 🥰
- Inquired if any further information was needed on Jan 8th, which allegedly means I went to the back of the queue.. don’t really understand that concept. Have never received a ticket id or anything 🤷🏻‍♂️

Been extra nice communicating as I understand they’ve been absolutely overwhelmed with requests, a lot of which I can imagine is redundant requests/complaints for things that are out of their hands — e.g. PlayStation MTX policies. Still slightly frustrating as I reaaally want access to my stash tabs, etc heh. I was fine purchasing them all twice (PC and PS) but can’t justify re-purchasing them a 3rd time. Just taking a break until then, fingers crossed:)

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