PoE 2 Honor System explanation?

Hey all,

I have been searching high and low online for anything explaining the Honor System in depth and cannot find anything specific about the Maximum Honor amount.

I was playing online with some friends and they indicated they had different honor maximum than I did for the Trial of Sekhamas.

I am curious if anyone knows what contributes to the Honor maximum that you start with in the trial.

I am playing the Sorceress and have around 1200 honor.
My Warrior buddy has around 650 and my Mercenary friend has around 450.

Why are these numbers so different?

For me it was almost trivial because I don't typically get into melee range with enemies and can avoid attacks. You would think that a Warrior would need a higher amount of Honor given that they live in melee and have many build mechanics around being hit/hitting in melee.

Anyone got any real data on what gives you more honor or less?

Thank you.
Last bumped on Feb 14, 2025, 9:22:36 AM
Honor is the total of your characters heal and energy shield. yours is different because you have different max hp and max es
LOL what?

more dumb mechanics not needed
LOL what?

more dumb mechanics not needed

Not dumb imo

It makes sense as armor and evasion makes you lose less honor because damage reduction.
While damage to energy shield makes you lose honor. So if you are running a build with majority energy shield you would lose honor much faster.
Its just balancing.
worst system ever - if we wanna play a mele tank that laughs off damage and may be able to take 2hits form stuff that would 1 hit a range char - what's wrong with that?

why make us respec and perhaps regear ranged just to play this with any hope without having it 10 times harder for mele.

taking hits on a class designed and built to do so is fine. get rid of this stupid mechanic or change it to something that makes sense. by all means buff the actual stuff to make it harder if you want it to be hard but this mechanic is just silly - you got it right in poe 1 and soo soo wrong here.
Last edited by yak655#5959 on Dec 13, 2024, 3:05:02 AM
Bad system, loving the game so far, but honour is not a fun mechanic. If you have a way to gain more while in combat or something it might be better but as of right now it's made the game not fun to play for myself.
It's an absolutely terrible system especially for melee.
It's a 2nd health bar that doesn't regen, can't be mitigated, punishes you for playing tanky strats, and makes you twice as vulnerable to lag death.

Heck PoE barely lets you know when you've been hit, and by what.
Well i guess now im forced to only use molten blast and the totem just to be safe. yay "melee".

Also, imagine wanting to use thorns for it :)
Last edited by PAPI GAMERO#8641 on Dec 19, 2024, 11:02:50 AM
worst mecanic ever

Just making it boring... 8 lvl over mobs => killing them in 1 miliseconds and being punch by exploding dead bodies (impossible to see behind spells) makes you die for none reason...

need to wait 30 sec on each mob to be sure not to loose ...

boring mecanic, no challenge, just boring

give us a 5 time harder boss or something, not this....

more boring is not harder it's only more boring
I completely agree with those who criticize this system—it’s flawed.

When I played as a Sorcerer, I didn’t mind the Honour system because it didn’t affect my gameplay. However, now that I’m playing a Warrior tank, it’s a different story. This class is built around armor, shields, and resistances, designed to go head-to-head with enemies and withstand hits. But during the trial’s boss fight, I keep losing because I run out of Honour. It’s incredibly frustrating.

The Warrior tank is meant to engage enemies directly with slow, deliberate attacks while absorbing damage, yet this system penalizes that exact playstyle. Meanwhile, ranged characters seem unaffected, which feels entirely unbalanced and nonsensical.

Honestly, I’ve given up on the Ascension System entirely. It’s just not worth the frustration.

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