Please give console players an in game trade board.

cda you hit direct message while logged in and the website will force a whisper. Then you have to wait for them to invite and tp after joing party with payment

Well that would be the issue, no one ever replies.
Your points are valid and so is the experiences of these players. I wouldn't expect trade to be fixed quickly. What would help is a dev to comment on it so players know changes will be coming and what to expect.

Unfortunately most are gone for the Holidays at this point as covered in the most recent patch.The forums most likely will be radio silent until the new year. Just to be clear im not dismissing the console experience it is trash compared to pc. If controller on pc didn't have input lag i would be playing on it but here i am. There has always been a major gap between pc and console experience. Path of building awakend poe, filterblade, and poeninja. Consoles just don't have the ability to do all these things while playing a game. The devs need to develop filterblade, path of building into the core of the game along with a functional trade site. If they do this that will close a very large gap between the two games but it will take time.
Well that would be the issue, no one ever replies.

Chances are that item is being attempted to be price fixed this was a problem on tradeboard as well. Send their price and get declined just have to keep trying other items. I generally only ran into this issue with unique items.
this was the chance to give pc what they want....tradeboard and tradesite....and console need board... really
I myself actually like the trade board that poe 1 has for consoles..
although, the wait sometimes was awful. most would agree that auto accept trade would of been better. you give what currency was asked then auto complete no hassle

when i was selling something I could run and do anything without worrying i missed a trade or someone pm you 100 times before you answer them. had to ignore a bunch of scammers and annoying people on pc trade.

but the game not released yet sure they will add a better way to trade than just outdated pc trade site
Last edited by Kaotic-Ouch#9400 on Dec 19, 2024, 5:10:28 PM
I had cross play disabled on Xbox, that seemed to be my issue.

Yeah this whole trade system is so ridiculous complicated.

Log in to the character on the console.

Log into the trade website

Find item and whisper to the player.

Go back to console and wait for a party invite (which doesn't display correctly because it's half off the screen)

Warp to their hideout

Wait for them to initiate trade (which doesn't display correctly because it's half off the screen)

Do the trade and hope you already had your orb unstacked because you can't do it in the trade window.

Trade Board will be a huge help for consol players. I guess some PC will albo finde use in this. Just pick item, pay the price and is all ready. You dont have to ping to ppl and wait if they will inv you.

New trade board with better filtr option.
is trading possible with consoles (via tradesite)? I whispered 500 people but noone replied.

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