Please give console players an in game trade board.

Stryker when I am off work I can see what I can do to help you.

Sounds good.
Last edited by StrykerxS77x#8221 on Dec 17, 2024, 1:43:21 PM
The trade site on PS5 always says I am offline, and I can't message anyone.

There should be some kind of solution, no?
Yes pls its too hard to trade on ps5 make it easy for us
You can't use the trade website if you're on console to direct whisper. It says we're unable to do it in the error message which is why in poe 1 we needed the trade board.

You also can't copy / paste on console since the command to do is overridden in game. For example to paste you need to hit the command button to bring up the option but if you're in game trying to message someone hitting command backs you out of typing.

I spent hours manually adding people to whisper and manually typing to them trying to buy a robe for my witch and people either didn't respond and some just straight up blocked me.
" just going to leave this here for those that want to understand why we always can’t just have everything we want. It’s very easy to just say give me this but it’s not a solution. There is always going to be a complaint about how things are better on pc. There’s more people playing there they have access to more third party stuff developed by the community. Trade board gets added now you have 1.3 million tabs of junk to sort through. Pc players will control the market no matter what you do to the trade board and wastes of development time. Do I think the trade website could be more console friendly absolutely, but saying it doesn’t work is just stubborn.

Trade for consoles doesn't work and if you think a trade board wouldn't work then why does it fill the void in poe1 so well? Trading is a large aspect of the game and the current state of it for consoles players isn't acceptable. You sitting here fighting with everyone over something we'd clearly like and would improve our game experience seems weird and unnecessary. Do you read your posts thinking to yourself what a great service to the community you're offering?
I’m not going to argue reality is y’all are going to to have to wait on never sink if you can’t make one yourself. As for the trade site I have no issues pming people on console to make trades. I also receive them as my tabs are public.

This has nothing to do with neversink!
PC players can only use a lootfilter (made by themself, neversink or whoever) by copying the filter (in form of a text file) in the PoE2 directory on there harddrive. Obviously thats not possible for console.
If you dont trust me, go to neversinks youtube, he has a tutoriaal on how to to this!
The only way to use any kind of lootfilter for console is if GGG enables a similar support for uploading lootfilters into your account on their website, similar to how PoE1 does it.

Hope that makes it clear for you and you dont have to further spread misinformation!
Just looking to chime in that I am also fully in support of robust high quality experiences on console that mirror those of the PC player base.

It's never acceptable to rely on a virtual keyboard, or a second device to navigate systems that are easy for PC players with their control schemes.

I realize this is a lower priority item but as a general principle I think delivering a high quality user interface and user experience is important when releasing a game on console.
Had everything to do with who i was responding to if ggg thought people were cheating they would have been ban. I'm all for a better trade experience on poe. The trade board was not being carried over due to crossplay and y'all can't accept that. Instead you offer no solutions to it. I will continue to stand on the other side of this as i am entitled to my own opinion as are you.Everyone on poe complained about trade with the constant scam offers sent, price fixing, and lack of items due to small player base. I am glad its gone and will continue to look forward to a better solution. They have covered this topic plenty on why it won't work with crossplay. They didn't even like it in poe 1 and were discussing removing it. Hence why things like the currency exchange were being made. I have discussed this in many posts and have offered solutions to trade.
Last edited by bloodspaz#8599 on Dec 17, 2024, 8:46:57 PM
They didn't even like it in poe 1 and were discussing removing it. Hence why things like the currency exchange were being made.

Currency exchange came about because of The Forbidden Trove debacle and Johnathan saying he liked the Last Epoch trade system.

Anyway, GGG listens to player feedback so if enough people ask for it I would not be shocked if it returns in some capacity. I got to absolutely love the trade board after I learned a bunch of Syntax codes to refine searches. Chef's kiss
Last edited by ShadoonX#9310 on Dec 17, 2024, 9:05:57 PM

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