Skeletal warriors not summoning, where are my buddies? 1,052,504,703

I am reporting an issue where I am using a rattling scepter with lv.10 skeletal warrior minion.
I noticed that my skeletal warriors are not reviving after I started using the cast on minion death gem to summon srs using flame wall.
I tried unequipping the item and re-equipping, that didn't bring them back.
I tried unsocketing the two support gems, and that didn't bring them back.
The supports are heavy swing and last gasp, if that matters.
In fact, it does not seem to be working at all with other rattling sceptres as well. I tried using a different sceptre, and they wont summon.
Reference number 1,052,504,703.
I hope this helps
"They... Eats... The Mens..."
IGN: M_Judge
Last bumped on Feb 27, 2025, 12:31:35 PM
I am reporting an issue where I am using a rattling scepter with lv.10 skeletal warrior minion.
I noticed that my skeletal warriors are not reviving after I started using the cast on minion death gem to summon srs using flame wall.
I tried unequipping the item and re-equipping, that didn't bring them back.
I tried unsocketing the two support gems, and that didn't bring them back.
The supports are heavy swing and last gasp, if that matters.
In fact, it does not seem to be working at all with other rattling sceptres as well. I tried using a different sceptre, and they wont summon.
Reference number 1,052,504,703.
I hope this helps

it is not a poe 1 bug, right?

Wrong place to post poe 2 bug.
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Can confirm that problem is here. I didnt use cast on minion death for flame wall tho. but from like 10 mins ago for some reason my skeletal warriors despawned ann now they are not able to be summoned again.
same issue on my end, skill detail panel is borked too.

I suddenly had the same problem at lvl 40. My skeleton warriors aren't spawning any more. No real feedback to give, I didn't change any gems or do anything directly. They just don't spawn now.
I got this bug earlier today. Thought it had to do with corrupting my lvl 11 Rattling scepter, this is not the case.

I got another rattling scepter and swapped it out, no resolution.

I then put that second rattling scepter into weapon slot two and swapped weapons and this resolve the issue.

Game did crash after the fix and I am back in the game now.

Now on reloading the game, the skeleton warriors are gone again.

Cause is some failed interaction with corruption or swapping weapons that have skeletons on them.
Had the same issue with rattling scepter. When I would unequip the scepter my fire skeletons would despawn as well. When I equiped it again my fire skeletons came back but the warrior skeletons would still not spawn.
Game seems to disable skeleton warriors if your spirit decreases below your allocated threshold.

Like if you have 170 spirit and your 5 skeleton mages are allocated 160. If you remove a +20 spirit item, game will disable your skeleton warriors until you change spirit allocation to 4 skeleton mages.

This does seem like a bug rather than intended design.
I just had this bug tonight, half way through clearing a zone. It took reading this post to realize that they had increased the spirit needed per arsonist and I was 10 over in how much I needed for the number of arsonists I had set to spawn. I'm not sure why it took that out on my warriors who don't need any amount of spirit, since they're tied directly to the scepter. Once I set my allocation of arsonist down 1, I had the required amount of spirit and my warriors popped into existence. It doesn't seem like it should do that since it already wasn't spawning all of the arsonists.
Confirmed, this worked for me. I went into my Skeletal Arsonists and it was set to a number that was higher than my spirit allowed for. I bumped it back down and my skeletal warriors from my sceptre immediatly respawned.

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