PoE 2 - Trial of Sekhemas disconnection

I got disconnected during my fight against the boss in my first trial of Sekhamas. Any way to receive the rewards? wasn't able to pick those up :(
Same here. Disconnected mid third floor of trial of the sekhemas. Was going for third ascendancy which is by no means an easy task on melee. Respawned at start. All progress and the djinn barya gone. Those have abysmal drop rates too. Super pissed.
Same. Finished my 4th ascendency, spend my point and got disconnected while openning chests with rewards. When i logged in i lost my ascendency points and rewards.
Just wanted to Post that I'm having the same issue have been unable to fix it. Just looking for a fix and to bring light the issue. Any info is appreciated
Crashing in the trials very consistently, everytime i enter the boss arena and step past a certain point, CPU skyrockets and my game crashes. 3 times in a row exact same spot, guess im trying again tomorrow.

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