HELP!!! [POE2] Skill equipping bug

just happened to me and i can't use 3 skills, made a reddit post about it, i guess this is what you all are dealing too (it got images):
Well i think i got a solution.

Skill gems get bugged, in my case it was spark, orb of storm and conductivity, the game somehow thinks it can only be equipped with my 2nd set (and i don't have enough main stat to equip them in the 2nd, just main hand), if you hover your requirements, you might lack main stat to equip it (for example, i got +int in main stat but in offhand its just + x levels.

You need to refund enough attribute passives to be able to equip the skill gem in your offhand, then equip your skill gem, set on hotkey, cast it and go refund your passives again so it was like before, it should be unbugged now

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