Linking Steam POE2 Account


i have an existing poe account and then i bought poe2 via steam.

But when i try to trade something via poe2trade, i recognize that iam not logged in with my real poe account. There was a new account created via steam.

How can i link my poe2 steam to my old poe account?

Last bumped on Feb 21, 2025, 4:59:15 PM
I'm encountering the same problem, hopefully a solution is found.
KalamHS#0178 wrote:

i have an existing poe account and then i bought poe2 via steam.

But when i try to trade something via poe2trade, i recognize that iam not logged in with my real poe account. There was a new account created via steam.

How can i link my poe2 steam to my old poe account?


When you merge 2 accounts it should create 2 subaccounts that you can switch, either on and In Game.

Switch account for the one you're usually using and it should be ok.

More about subaccounts here:

Otherwise, if your issue is only about the trade website, apparently there are some problems with it right now and some people are considered offline while connected In Game or similar things.. So wait until the support has time to fix this issue later, once the large amount of requests is slowing down.

In the meantime, you can still play and enjoy the game, unlike some of us.
Pardon my english, I'm French :p

SSF for the win!
yes i have same similar issue. i bought the path of exile 2 early access supporter pack in steam account and just realized you can do alot in the official site like now i try to trade here in path of exile officail trade site and when i try to whisper players its just saying i am not online. i really hope to know how to merge two accounts in to one so they know i am online and can proceed to trade
help, same issue
Same here - there is an option win this website where you can link your poe account with steam account

but I am afraid that my current character might be remove after I link my accounts
Stesso problema ho fatto il merge di un vecchio account e di uno nuovo con accesso anticipato su steam, ma non mi fa fare il wisp quando cerco di contattare qualcuno, mi dice che la query non e' valida perche' non sono online pur essendolo
KalamHS#0178 wrote:

i have an existing poe account and then i bought poe2 via steam.

But when i try to trade something via poe2trade, i recognize that iam not logged in with my real poe account. There was a new account created via steam.

How can i link my poe2 steam to my old poe account?


my new account on poe have the nickname : zazyklor

i realy want to use my stash :(( help me ??

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