Aim Assist is on by default for keyboard and mouse, no way to turn it off

+1. Playing Monk very frustrating, shift is not the solution because the Bell will move.
Missing all the time because you can't lead the target is very frustrating.
+1 I hoped they'd removed this since POE 1 and all the problems it caused there with mobility skills forcing you to land on enemies instead of where your clicking X_X
Truly awful experience as melee with this because slight changes to the angle mess up your entire aoe with slams. Already stopped playing ed/contagion because of this.
How is this okay?
Last edited by Grettna#1317 on Dec 15, 2024, 9:43:20 AM

It feels absolutely awful and it affects EVERYTHING.

I'll be playing Warrior and it makes me leap slam into ground degens or corpse explosions or strike the wrong target.
I'll be playing Monk and when I drop the bell it often targets enemies around it so I'm not even able to hit it.
I'll be playing Witch and casting Unearth, and it will be entirely inconsistent with its targeting, forcing me to cast on a single corpse three times in a row rather than the pile of 10 that are next to them.

I don't want it to be improved, I want the option to turn it off.

It feels absolutely dreadful when my mouse is RIGHT on what I'm trying to target and it does something entirely different.
I feel like I'm about to go back to PoE1 just because of this issue alone.

Please please PLEASE just give us the option to enable absolute targeting/disable the assisted targeting.
Also want to turn off aim corpse with unearth.

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