MTX being "unavailable" conspiracy

A much more level-headed reason would probably be that they had a bunch of the MTX working right at launch, a bunch of them caused instability issues or lag or frame drops, and they just yeeted a whole batch out.

They're not responding to your one e-mail right now, because, from a profit/business/customer service standpoint, the HUNDRED THOUSAND other people with issues like...not being able to play at all, or having paid $30 and not having access...are SO MUCH more important.

You could LEAVE and never come back over this and they wouldn't feel it. But those hundred thousand? They want to get them in...and playing...and having fun...and not worrying about one goddamn portal MTX on like day 4 instead.
Same, I was able to use the portal MTX from the Aesir supporter pack on day 1, but then day 2 I was no longer able to select it. I do not believe it has anything to do with greed or trying to get people to buy things that are available.

It is more likely they are limiting MTX right now so they can't cause any extra issues when they are currently trying to deal with EA issues :)
Same, I was able to use the portal MTX from the Aesir supporter pack on day 1, but then day 2 I was no longer able to select it. I do not believe it has anything to do with greed or trying to get people to buy things that are available.

It is more likely they are limiting MTX right now so they can't cause any extra issues when they are currently trying to deal with EA issues :)

If they were both portals, then yeah they were probably just testing some stuff
Who knows
I can use a few of my portals from poe1. So I don't think that's the reason. It's probably that they are not happy with those that are not available.

If the portal looked good to you, that doesn't mean there isn't something wrong with it, from a coding perspective. Think about it, coding for the same result can be done in a number of ways, some less efficient causing memory leaks, thread starvation etc. Just let them cook.
Last edited by capprice13#7209 on Dec 15, 2024, 9:41:41 PM
Non of mine work yet. Sad, but it's how it is.

There's a reason ehy they deactivated the MTX that worked on Day 1. Why? No idea. You'll get it back once what they thought caused issues is gone. Could be memory leak or causing crashes to other players for all we know.

As for not responding. They're sadly overwhelmed with either people asking for help (e.g. key not working despite paying for it) or the thousands asking for a refund after playing for 15-20 hours. I don't think they're filtering you out, it's simply that it might take a long time for them to answer.
Last edited by pyrocyborg#0256 on Dec 19, 2024, 7:18:05 PM
Holigawd#2935 wrote:
That's... quite the conspiracy.

I doubt it's any of that and it's most like that it's EA and those specific cosmetics aren't in the game just yet or they're causing issues with whatever.

You're wild dude.

Wild wouldn't be the word i'd use

Read what I wrote. I WAS able to use the Ravager Apparition portal on the first day. It looked flawless. I'm talking about that case specifically. Why would I be able to use the portal on the first day and then the next day it now says "unavailable."

Why would support ignore me emailing them about this if other emails I write get responded to and why would this not be mentioned anywhere by any dev.

Think from a profit-maximizing mindset. If they were to tell you, your mtx cannot be used right now because of technical limits, how would you be able to tell other than taking their word for it? I gave you a concrete example of what happened to me, I'm sure it happened to other people with their own mtx and they likely didn't bother reporting it.

Dude, they said will be able to use your POE 1 MTX so chill. One thing GGG does not do is lie like other game companies. While the question is valid, your conspiracies are useless in this case. You can see from my supporter packs from the side here I am as excited for it as anyone.

Every company lies. Most companies that survive don’t start out with lies, but there are always lies. If you don’t know that now then you will learn it later.
I didn't even say for a fact that's what's happening but with what happened in my case it made zero sense and them not responding is suspect.

You do realize that they probably have thousands, if not tens of thousands, of support emails in their backlog, right? You're not the only person that needs some sort of help in this game. They're not ignoring you. You just think they are because it's your world, they're just living in it and you expect immediate results.

Also, you're wayyyyyyyy out there with this conspiracy. I had a similar experience with one of my portals. When it wasn't available the next day, I just chalked it up to some sort of development issue that will be quietly resolved in a later patch.

Just take a breather man. Not every gaming studio is out to screw you over.
I didn't even say for a fact that's what's happening but with what happened in my case it made zero sense and them not responding is suspect.

You do realize that they probably have thousands, if not tens of thousands, of support emails in their backlog, right? You're not the only person that needs some sort of help in this game. They're not ignoring you. You just think they are because it's your world, they're just living in it and you expect immediate results.

Also, you're wayyyyyyyy out there with this conspiracy. I had a similar experience with one of my portals. When it wasn't available the next day, I just chalked it up to some sort of development issue that will be quietly resolved in a later patch.

Just take a breather man. Not every gaming studio is out to screw you over.

Your response is gaslighting 101 and don't put words in people's mouths. I never said a game studio is out to get ME. Hence why I asked if other people had similar experiences. You being gullible doesn't mean devs would never take advantage of a situation to make profit. That's what a lot of you in these replies don't seem to understand and are not getting the point.

I also love how on December 7th, I emailed them about 2 different issues, one about the mtx and another about something else. They responded to me a week later about the email NOT related to the mtx but the mtx email where I mentioned what I mentioned in this post they never responded to. Must just be coincidental.
🔷🔶🔰🌀✨Make trade like the Grand Exchange from RuneScape✨🌀🔰🔶🔷

Let us zoom out more. Bring back 32:9, Heist Alt Quality Gems, Gear Enchanting, Prophecy, Metamorph & Crucible. Stop removing content from the game. Stop nerfing everything. Stop making the game slow
They responded to me a week later about the email NOT related to the mtx but the mtx email where I mentioned what I mentioned in this post they never responded to. Must just be coincidental.

I work as a game dev and have worked for various small companies throughout the years, this isn't weird. Support in small companies will escalate questions to specific engineers, and the resultant response time will vary depending on the engineer and urgency. Support will also have canned responses for frequent issues. And lastly there's a chance you slipped through the cracks somehow, not ideal, but it does happen.

Some of the most inane looking reports might get instant response because an engineer realizes there's a much deeper problem that needs to be resolved asap, while "bigger looking" (from a customer's POV) problems will get multi-week turnover because internally we'll assess impact and urgency.

There's likely either a serious issue, or it's a bug that it's not working. But none of it impacts the EA process itself which is more important and gets precedent right now over cosmetics (at least I wouldn't prioritize cosmetics over actual bugs/crashes right now). If it was trivial there's a chance an engineer might quickly pick it up, but if the engineers not on holidays are swamped (or just don't feel like prioritizing a non-urgent issue), then you'll just have to wait.

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