Item filters coming this next patch!!(0.1.1)(Xbox/Sony)

come on GGG!!!
No loot filter, and frankly broken controller support for most of the skills that require targeting is simply terrible to ignore.

I know everyone loves cash, but why release such a bad version of your game for console then ignore it? Shameful. This is part of why the so-called PC master race thing exists, devs simply cater to them and ignore console so of course its a worse version in that case.

It's even worse than that. They don't even provide a filter for PC players. FilterBlade does and the work that FilterBlade does gets used by these lazy devs.
I love this game but what is this..?
Please make API filters in the next patch, it’s impossible to play
How dare this thread fall from top spot!
Console loot filter for POE2 Please!
I love this game but what is this..?

If you are reading this go look at this, we need a loot filter.
Please add a drop filter… consoles are disadvantaged.

+1 +1
Bump. Anyone hear anything yet?

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