Item filters coming this next patch!!(0.1.1)(Xbox/Sony)
" Are you joking on a purpose or what? PC got offline filters like in first days of EA, they can hide/recolor/highlight everything, and like 90% of playerbase is playing with lootfilters RIGHT NOW. To GGG it is not important that 10% playerbase, consisting of console plebs cannot play endgame right now, they already got our money and we are NOTHING to them, just some plebs which they can easily ignore, because you cannot even request a refund on XBOX/PS Store. It wont surprise me when in a FEW MONTHS they introduce online-filters and will sell it as MAJOR addition, when they already have this functionality in PoE1 and it works flawlessly there. |
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" Yeah, it is you what dont have any idea - PC have lootfilters now, GGG quickly added support for offline filters in FIRST DAYS of PoE 2 EA. also PoE 1 beta was what like 15 fckn years ago?! |
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" Braindead there is no "offline filters" GGG have not supported ANYTHING filter wise PC players can MANUALLY go into to game files THEMSELFS (THE PLAYERS NOT GGG) AND ADD A TEXT FILE FROM FILTERBLADE (NEVERSINK) that allows colours and items to be changed. NEVERSINK is the only person who can change this LOOT FILTER then releases a PATCH on HIS WEBSITE which has NOTHING to do with GGG and the PC PLAYERS can re-download that to THERE OWN PC with updated features. NEVERSINK the guy who makes filters for PATH OF EXILE AND PATH OF EXILE 2 is a streamer, who runs a website that has capabilites to run along side POE. AGAIN NOTHING TO DO WITH GGG. EVERYONE CRYING FOR A FILTER needs to educate themself and realise 1)GGG are on holiday no updates or patches will happen till after christmas period and New year SO YOU ARE LOOKING AT JANUARY AT MIN for time scale. (2 weeks aleast) and 2)Even when GGG come back they will still not make a FILTER THIS LIES WITH NEVERSINK and the FILTERBLADE WEBSITE this guy CAN NOT MAKE FILTERS until GGG release the sync info to allow FILTERBLLADE WEBSITE to sync with console AND GUESS WHAT PC PLAYERS DO NOT HAVE THAT YET EITHER and they are being patient and respectful. RATHER than complaining you dont have loot filters WHY NOT DO SOMETHING CONSTURCTIVE in the 2 week old BETA (8 MONTHS TO GO IN A BETA) stop running the game like you are trying for rank 1 in ladder. and actually GIVE FEEDBACK to GGG on how the game preforms, how maps feel, what skills and stuff feel good or underwhelming if you notice this section was for FEEDBACK ON THE GAME IN A BETA. not cry for a loot filter for over a week and have too much LOW IQ to understand HOLIDAY BREAK MEANS THAT NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU CRY A FILTER WILL NOT COME not untill after Christmas period at a min. Maybe help point out bugs that need fixing, or game breaking interaction a LOOT FILTER is a QoL thing and will be literally a million places behind fixing things that matter but again LOW IQ "me want filter" "me want now" attitude towards the Devs who have already been working hard for god know how long isnt going to get your own way it like a 5yr old having a tantrum because mommy wont buy the toy you want in the shop GROW UP |
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" What the fuck are you talking about! PC has access to Lootfilters from day 1! They just had to write your own filter in form a Textfile with a ".filter" ending. Almost all the tutorials for how PoE1 Filters work are applicable to Poe2. There are a multitude of people who wrote Filters for the community, but there are also a lot of good tutorials for people who want to do it by themself. Be so kind and stop spreading misinformation! |
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" AGAIN IF CONSOLE COULD GO INTO THERE OWN GAME FILES:- Console could go into them and do exactly what PC can without any support from GGG educate yourself without coping |
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" Dude, it is a textfile, there are multiple youtube tutorials on how to write your own Filters in Poe2. There is also a whole wiki page on the PoE1 wiki on how to do it that works 99% for PoE2. I wrote a fully functional filter in 1 hour yesterday evening! The only person who is clueless and spreads misinformation is you! And just a small hint, writing in capslock is considered rude and makes you look all the more like a complete idiot! |
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" YOU ARE ANSWERING YOUR QUESTION FOR YOURSELF IF there is a YT video showing you AS A PLAYER how to change TEXT FILES TO ADD A FILTER...... HOW IS THAT GGG GIVING SUPPORT??? OR does that sound like something NEVERSINK HAS DONE then allowed people to copy his FILTER....... OR is that GGG giving support to players i mean its youre word little bro?? Just like to add IF YOU WROTE A WHOLE FILTER YESTERDAY IN 1 HOUR how do you add it to the TEXT files in console??? you cant and this is why we dont have the filter like PC because once PC PLAYERS HAVE wrote a filter programme guess what..... they can go into there OWN GAME FILES ON THERE OWN COMPUTER and add said file to there OWN GAME and have a filter hahahahaa and this is why the entire thread is laughable Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Dec 21, 2024, 8:35:53 AM
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I don't think it's too hard to understand that on PC YOU can add the filter manually while on console you can't do it yourself.
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