Item filters coming this next patch!!(0.1.1)(Xbox/Sony)

+1 plz just put neversink basic filter in thé game this shouldn't bé a massive work and would fix 80% of thé player's frustration at the moment.
I Wonder if pc streamer wouldn't have a loot Filter how mutch Time you guys would take to implement a hot fix. Thé zigidy's and ziziran would have cry so mutch, all thé video on YouTube would have been about this... I can't understand why you can't just put neversink filter into an update and call it a day, maybe a community manager could just explain to us why ? Plz
We dont need a full custom filter but at least a basic one.
+1 to this. Still pissed at sony for blocking all my microtransactions.. So fucking stupid.

But I still decided to play on it. -_- Please add loot filters asap.
Очень жду фильтр, без него играть не возможно
Yeah if pc players had no loot filters this would be priority #1. Once again console players are being treated like 2nd rate consumers. They just want our money from EA and don’t care about how our experience is.

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