Item filters coming this next patch!!(0.1.1)(Xbox/Sony)

I have a crazy theory. When they make a stream to announce that they are adding the Druid and the Huntress, they will also announce with great fanfare that they are implementing synchronizing filters on the console. as if it were a great advance for that update. save this post XD
I agree please make filters available or allow never sink to access the subscriptions we had on poe 1 so he can get us filters set up for console. When pc has so many advantages naturally, filters woukd go along way to make the game more enjoyable for console players.
Just want to keep this bumped to the top...

But also, as a casual SC player, I care less about the actual FILTERING. I want a 'filter' purely so it highlights the good stuff, and [I]the freaking sounds[/I]. I just want that drop sound so bad...doesn't feel like POE without it.
just going to +1 this, desperately needed, currency looks way too similar to generic whites for me on xbox
All they need to do is add the loot filter section to the profile like the did with POE1 so we can edit it and pull it to the console.... if you remember it took them years!!!! To allow us to use their own trade website for consoles as well. Since we are now integrated we are shown the shaft again. We can only hope.
Bump. I need this as a geforce now player on computer.

It's a NEED. I can't see effects on the ground when I kill rares.

GGG please :(

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