Item filters coming this next patch!!(0.1.1)(Xbox/Sony)

Console is clearly a second class citizen compared to the PC client. That's somewhat understandable given that has been their bread and butter for a decade, but if they plan to make headway in the console space, this is not the way.
Console is clearly a second class citizen compared to the PC client. That's somewhat understandable given that has been their bread and butter for a decade, but if they plan to make headway in the console space, this is not the way.

Just looks like we been used for money and they gave us a game from 2005.
+1, please say something about this already. It's beyond me how this hasn't been addressed.
Please enable console loot filters asap. Thanks
please it's unplayable without filter we go around the map 10 times to check because we can't see the most important things... This is currently the thing that would make me abandon the game... Think about the player console or release your game only on PC.
Please GGG , its ridiculous.. its poe 1 all over again .. Useless whites gear bases everywhere mixing with the useful stuff without any difference in shape or color.

IDK.... give the most basics bases and advanced one to a vendor for gold and keep the expert for the ground? same for scrolls and augment and transmute? I'm in t10+ right now, did t15s and my brain hurt after 2 maps having to backtrack and read every single items that dropped.

It's very very annoying... I understand you have a lot to do and that you don't want to rely on third party (Neversink) for ingame systems. But i don't understand why it takes so long.. its a very very easy tweak in the code to change the presentation of the items.

If you wanna replicate the feeling, do 10 t15 waystones with delirium and breach in it
Last edited by FrankyBaws#9237 on Dec 18, 2024, 3:23:18 PM

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