Item filters coming this next patch!!(0.1.1)(Xbox/Sony)

Does GeForce players have filters?

Ye GeForce is good to go now, Just consoles waiting
Pc people should stop posting "solutions" when they need a pc in the console forum thread....
hiro#0747 wrote:
You bought a game in beta to provide them feedback as they continue to roll content out knowing that only 30% of the game was going to be available. This level of entitlement because you chose to test an early release game is wild to me.

If there were no loot filters for anyone sure you have a point, but when only one platform gets loot filters and they haven't so much as even mentioned when they will be on console, people are going to rightfully be upset.

Again.. It's beta. Developing on PC is generally 10x easier for patch releases than it is for consoles because you have to essentially have Sony/Xbox approve the releases. You guys are lacking critical thinking and are creating wild expectations for F2P game that you paid for to test the beta... I don't get how you guys aren't able to wrap your head around these simple concepts and instead are pouting about.. a beta.. not having every feature available.

Again.. It's beta. Developing on PC is generally 10x easier for patch releases than it is for consoles because you have to essentially have Sony/Xbox approve the releases. You guys are lacking critical thinking and are creating wild expectations for F2P game that you paid for to test the beta... I don't get how you guys aren't able to wrap your head around these simple concepts and instead are pouting about.. a beta.. not having every feature available.

Not every feature is available sure, but you're missing the point again. If the same features were missing for every platform it would be less of an issue. The game features crossplay, has a cross platform economy, the different versions cost the same and were advertised as having the same features, so I think it's fair to expect some parity of experience. At least some communication about it would be nice. It's rightly frustrating essentially being locked out of the tail end of the game. Console people wanna voice their frustrations about it in the console feedback forum, seems like the right place to do it.
I'm glad to see some progress about filters for console we might be few days away of a proper end game. I just hope they thought about enabeling the Z shortcut for console to, I think it s as mutch game breaking as filter in my opinion...

Again.. It's beta. Developing on PC is generally 10x easier for patch releases than it is for consoles because you have to essentially have Sony/Xbox approve the releases. You guys are lacking critical thinking and are creating wild expectations for F2P game that you paid for to test the beta... I don't get how you guys aren't able to wrap your head around these simple concepts and instead are pouting about.. a beta.. not having every feature available.

Not every feature is available sure, but you're missing the point again. If the same features were missing for every platform it would be less of an issue. The game features crossplay, has a cross platform economy, the different versions cost the same and were advertised as having the same features, so I think it's fair to expect some parity of experience. At least some communication about it would be nice. It's rightly frustrating essentially being locked out of the tail end of the game. Console people wanna voice their frustrations about it in the console feedback forum, seems like the right place to do it.

This ^ contains actual feedback "The expectation of parity between a crossplay game" this thread is not. It's simply complaints from people who are under the assumption that a Beta of a F2P game should kowtow to unrealistic expectations. I agree with parity but the reality is the development cycle of any cross-platform game (even those not in beta) have different patch cadence depending on the platform... additionally, they announced they were going to be gone during the holiday.

You want them to release information, they have it scheduled. The reality is you wanted them to forego their holidays because of unrealistic expectations. The constant mentioning of lack of communication or how easy it is do implement this feature is baseless. These threads imo should be locked because 99% of it isn't feedback, its nonsense.
please ggg filter blades done all the work we can now actually see and hear that amazing sound when a divine drops please approve or push for Sonys approval , games almost unplayable at endgame now on console over a loot filter ( mostly divines looking like a microscopic wisdom scroll ) this will keep so many more players ! ty ggg hope you had a good vacation congrats on all the success
Still waiting for Loot Filters. Hopefully they are fixed today. Unfortunately, I really feel console users were misled. If your game is crossplay you need to give all platforms the same features. Especially a feature that is essential to playing the game. I really enjoy the game so I look forward to see it get fixed.
Good Lord i dunno what is the most annoying : all these white items on endgame maps or all these LOOT FILTERS threads all around this forum ...
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Its annoying listening to old interviews with the developers mentioning they know they treated console users as second class citizens and vow not to do it again and yet here we are.

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