No item filters for poe 2 (Xbox/Sony)(GeForce Now)

Guess i‘m out till we get our item filter as well
The problem is that it's so much worse to play if you don't have a loot filter. It's a huge disadvantage. You have to look through the loot for a really long time. In the same time a PC player plays 5 maps including loot while I play one map on the XBOX. Apart from that, it's no fun at all to look through the loot when the Divine Orb and the Scroll of Wisdom have the same color and size.
It's by far the most important thing on console.

I stopped playing before Christmas and only visit this forum every now and then to see if there are news on this front… Alright, I go back to my life.
I wish I had only spent the minimum $30 on this crap

By far the most ridiculous thing is a month and a half in and consoles are still second class citizens. Last night I stopped playing because I simply can not enjoy the game with out a loot filter. Having to sift through orb of Aug or transmutation orbs to see if I dropped something of value nope I didn't and if I did I probably missed it because it's the same color no noticeable drop sound and it's just not fun.. I come back to this post every few weeks to check and see if anythings changed. A simple API for sync support is so simple. Why not just hire me to do it.

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