0.1.0b Patch Notes (restartless)

You guys keep nerfing skills and respec is just way too expensive. It's nothing like Jonathan stated before the gamr launched. I dont mind nerfs but butchering builds with this respec cost is just extremely annoying to players.
IGN gubert
It is astounding to see so many people consider sponge hp pools as valid "difficulty".
witcherz#1677 wrote:
And they nerfed the only thing that kept minions playable).
What about mobs' hp nerf?)

A gemling shoots 5 OVERLAPPING gas grenades, followed by 5 OVERLAPPING incendiary.

The game will be balanced around his DPS, not yours.
Always was, always will be.

Suck it up.

I'm gemling. And it was almost unplayable.
But I tried after updates and good news - it's still bad. Nothing have changed.
Last edited by witcherz#1677 on Dec 9, 2024, 8:59:04 AM
Wouldn't mind seeing some buffs to some early game skills instead of endgame nerfs, TBH. Some archetypes just seem so useless at this point.. And I know early access and all but yea just an opinion. If there is time to nerf, there is also time to buff :P
actually upset with how terrible this ea has been. might actually look at a refund on steam and never play poe again... joined settlers league only to quit 2 months later cuz of ea. if this is how they treat all the feedback its not a company i want to support
as a GAS GRANATE MAIN (had to respec from armor breaking to go through acts) IM happy with balancing, nerf cancerours sorc-like effortless gamestyles, Its dumbing down game. Btw tested Gas nades,, ITS VIABLE in campain at least, dont cry, they didnt nerfed it to the ground they BALANCED it. Try next build if mapping gets frustrating or update ur physical xbow. W DEVS
My playlist: https://soundcloud.com/rederis/sets/chilizaust-now
Location: LTU
Last edited by reder#1892 on Dec 9, 2024, 9:09:32 AM
Just wanted to give a counterweight to all the negative replies: I really enjoy the way you guys are taking the game. I like that it feels more impactful to find rare items instead of stumling over them by the dozens. And I enjoy the more impactful and challenging feeling of combat instead if just shredding through enemies (though thats fun from time to time as well). Thank you and keep up the great work!
To quote resident alien, "This is some bullshit."
keep nerfing stuff
Guys put respec to 1 gold in beta, this is just bad look

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