Add an option to turn off autolock/aim please.

True. problem is aiming is not working properly too. A lot of the time the shoot goes above my pointer.
+1 bump

So important to playability, especially with controller.
+1, It's so frustrating.

I've marked up some screenshots, will put them in spoilers.
There appear to be 3 different types of redirection that I've noticed:

1) Defaulting to firing along LoS over aimed position (not so much auto-aim, but still annoying mistarget)

I don't know why it does this, particularly as I'm not using WASD.

I think this why the bell targeting is so ass sometimes, because it casts it along your character's LoS at the moment the button is pressed, rather than where your mouse is. Like if you take a left turn at an intersection, you pull out into the intersection facing straight, and then turn left. When I use the bell on a target to the left, my character sometimes casts it straight ahead and then faces left, which is pointless.


2) Soft namelock, where your cursor passes over a mob's name while casting, which then aims all subsequent projectiles at them, despite not explicitly clicking on the mob's name. Occurs even when shift-rclick for me. Continues firing at them until dead / you stop holding click. I hate this because it happens ALL THE TIME when you've got a dozen mobs in a pack and you're just trying to aim it between them to get optimal coverage but it namelocks onto something instead and redirects the attack.


3) Straight up autoaim hijacking, contrary to established behaviours of 1 & 2


Skills that do not require a target should not latch onto / namelock targets - particularly if cast in place is being used. Autoaim only adds to the clunky feel of PoE2's sluggish controls, since you're getting further frustrated with the controls or dying to the game deciding it knows better than you, rather than being able to make those decisions for better or worse yourself.

At the minimum, a toggle.
Please let us completely disable auto aim/lock for Keyboard+Mouse (WASD).

It is extremely awful, especially for spells like Unearth when they miss a corpse 3 times in a row.

+1. Aim assist MUST be optional. Skills like Lightning Warp are unusable as-is.
I'm going to extend the request to be per ability basis, there's a great spot for such an option in the game already.
and please fire whoever decided to make this mandatory on KBM, makes the game feel like some 1990's bs

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