Map Stash Tab from PoE1 to Waystone Stash Tab in PoE2

Will the map tab convert to a waystone tab in future or not? I want to know before I spend my coins.
Last bumped on Feb 22, 2025, 11:45:37 AM
I hope GGG does this. Otherwise it feels like a quick cash grab as they "switched" the name of end game entry items - maps are waystones, theres nothing specifically different about them. Hopefully they just modify the map tab from poe 1 to function in poe 2.
This 100%. The old poe1 maps are waystones in poe2. They should alter the map stash tab to waystones, and make it purchasable for new people ofcourse as well.
well,dont know about you, im not picking up waystone no more,stopped from looting any 1-7 waystones since yesterday, and i hope we'll get a filter soon, so ill hide 'em completely

PS* the real bullshit is the removal of Alterations and Scouring, so u're forced to pick maps and maps over and over, because you'll be forced alch new maps when a bad mod appears.
Last edited by element9999#4898 on Dec 10, 2024, 12:12:35 PM
i would insta buy a new waystone stash. let em make some money too.
They already made money with these "standard" stash tabs. GGG make money with cosmetics. GGG has to keep its promises/ Waystones or maps tabs are mandatory. There is less work to alter the map tab than the currency tab.
Did anyone have the unique tab switch over? Mine did not

The map stash needs to transfer over for the players who already purchased the map tab in poe 1

This was part of the promise that things would transition over from poe 1 to poe 2

I understand that poe 2 does things a little different and therefor somethings need to be remaked

However, changing the name from map to waystone and then force the dedicated poe players to open up there wallets again feel like a punch below the belt.

If it was a new mechanic with new rescources and something had to be build from the ground up to accompanie all of those new things then asking a little coin makes sence.

But changing the name from map to waystone, and then having it do the exact same thing and still asking new money for it would be nothing sort of a scam.

Last edited by oke#5111 on Jan 27, 2025, 10:01:10 AM
i would insta buy a new waystone stash. let em make some money too.

I think they made more than enough, you could live 200 years spending monthly 50k...
Did anyone have the unique tab switch over? Mine did not

However, changing the name from map to waystone and then force the dedicated poe players to open up there wallets again feel like a punch below the belt.

My god ... this thread is so full of misinformation, you'd think it was a twitter post.

Yes your unique stash switched over, as will any other relevant tab in due time.

Yes map stash will become the Waystone tab when it's ready.

Yes you can see all these things by clicking "stash options" and enabling hidden unavailable tabs.

Yes you can click your hidden map stash and literally see it has a big TEXT on it saying "coming soon".

Last edited by oestergreen#1184 on Jan 26, 2025, 7:44:12 PM

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