Zalmarath, The Colossus glitchy one shot (HC experience ruined)

Lost another overprepped character to this, I think I'll just play SC till release or at least till the game is a decent ways further along.
It would be nice if they at least acknowledged this move being a problem.
Is this:

0.1.0f Patch Notes
- Fixed a bug where the projectiles of Zalmarath, the Colossus' knife attack were incorrectly positioned on top of the player.

A fix to the one-shot bug? As in, something about the projectiles created in the knife drag is what oneshot characters that weren't even close to the hitbox of the knife?

It could make sense, but I don't want to spend several hours getting a character there to find out, in case it isnt :p
Last edited by oopmah#7368 on Jan 9, 2025, 2:03:11 PM
Lost a character here as well due to the same issue... imagine this was fixed as fast as other hotfixes
GGG please fix this boss... too much dmg from his sword, It has bad indicators and janky hit boxes. Lost an over prepped character to it in SSFHC.
Don't try to hold it, flow with it.
Died again on this guy after -all his minions teleported on top of me- after bouncing up and down on the screen for 2 seconds (this, after almost dying again to the projectiles coming back around -from the other side of the map- once about a second after the knife drag).

This guy still needs serious help, done with HC (again) for now.
I saw the hotfix involving this boss's dagger sweep and thought he was finally safe to fight once more...


In act 2 normal with 400es and 800 hp, that damn dagger slide still oneshot!

I've had 4 hardcore deaths, and literally ALL FOUR are from this boss's dagger sweep move!!!
Saw the upcoming patch vid and summary of the Q&A no mention of colossus as far as I know..
Died to the knife attack yesterday. I had 600 life, 400 es, lvl 28...
As long as this is not fixed, HC is not playable...
Please, fix that one attack
Seems like I might be the last remaining crusader againts this boss's 1shot. I saw the previow of the patch notes but it doesn't really mention anything about the damage it does. So I'm starting to assume that Zalmarath's dagger push ability will continue to be a 1shot if you happen to stand in the wrong spot even though it's a really fast attack.

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