Act 3: Troubled Camp's for Infested Barrens & Jungle Ruins are both not updating/triggering events

Heelydon#1580 wrote:
Xypha#3760 wrote:
I'm pretty sure the camps aren't meant to mark as complete, just telling you there are special vendors there.

a couple of boss markers don't update tho definitely but only for cruel

I disagree. It isn't listed as a shop or vendor. Its specifically listed as "troubled camp" indicating that you'd expect some sort of trouble there to solve. Which seems to also be what happens at least in one of them, but nothing completes from it.

Also I don't think they'd be so silly to have 99.99% of map indicators be things you "finish off" on the map and have completed and then also randomly insert 2 camps that you cannot finish in the same format.

This thread alone showcases at least that a lot of people do not find that to be intuitive at all to them.

I think its likely that the double rares attacking around one of the camps is suppose to be marked as completed once you defeat them and they drop their loot, but for whatever reason, it doesn't do that. And I think the other one is suppose to also have a similar encounter, but doesn't trigger at all.

i think thats a difference of my not expecting that everything is a marker to be completed on a map, ppl been trained to hard by ubisoft.
I came to the conclusion of them not marking complete as both ahve vendors of random items that update. and assumed the marker not completeing is to serve as reminder those vendors are there, perhaps in the future there will be something speical about these vendors.
sorry i just dont have the assumption everything on a map is an objective to complete
Thank goodness you are all having the same issue. I thought I was taking crazy pills.
Any updates on this issue?
same issue here

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