Please allow us to turn off auto aim

+1 It really ruins the fun of a crossbow build when it makes it feel so clunky randomly changing the direction of my shooting when it auto selects an enemy instead of the twin-stick shooter experience that it could be. Feels horrible when you have piercing attacks and it wont allow you to position correctly to hit the maximum number of targets in a row because the game decides to move my focus off to one side to target a single mob.
Rojas#1663 wrote:
I'm playing with Frostbolt, and when I use the skill, it fires in the direction of the nearest enemy to my mouse. This mechanic is frustrating and makes me want to stop playing. I want to aim my projectiles at a wall or pillar so they explode and deal area damage to multiple enemies. Instead, it automatically fires directly at the center of the nearest enemy to my mouse.

I understand that this feature might be great for joystick users, but the majority of Path of Exile players use a keyboard and mouse. Please consider adding a configuration toggle to disable auto-aim for projectiles.

Aiming in PoE 2:
Massive +1

Completely bricks some builds in times of high mob density
Why make a game about timing and precision and then have autotarget like you are playing a cut-scene in a PlayStation game?

I was very hyped for WASD movement, though honestly it is weaker, since you are limited to 8 directions. If at least you could aim well, would be fine.

I think also, the right stick aiming way is bit too much. For the users for controllers on pc and console. It is better to have that integrated into the left stick combined with movement.

Reason why i am saying this is:

Why do you need to aim, when you are walking/move to that direction anyways and besides that. When using the right stick as aim, it is very hard to use the skills on the buttons ABXY .

Sure, you can bind them to other buttons for making things work. But, the use of the buttons ABXY is faster with reacting on the fights.

That is why i'm saying it: Direction where you move to, is also the direction you aim at for attacking enemies.

And for the keyboard and mouse users, that they can turn this off. Because, they have a mouse for the aiming.


Wanted to post another thread of this, but this one is already growing with replies. And this is how i think of this :)
Last edited by Novalirium#5574 on Dec 28, 2024, 7:29:01 AM
+1 very much needed
Also it should be on a skill basis like the "always attack in place" option.
Something like "always fire on ground" taht ignores your hovering target and just fires on the ground where the cursor is.
this desperately needs to be fixed
idk how this is not the #1 gameplay complaint/hotfix priority

not only is auto aim forced, no option whatsoever ['focus fire' option in binds DOES NOTHING], and absolutely skill cripplingly atrocious
for example, if I want to turn around to blink away from enemies
i literally fucking can't
or place an orb to warp to
too bad
mustache on

your char ALSO auto faces your movement direction
unrelated to enemies
if you let go of your right stick, your char will instantly flip facing movement input. this is truly astonishingly bad in every way

this is disgusting dogwater and MUST be fixed asap
it's very very simple to make this not be completely, unusably broken

it's close
just give auto aim option, pure on off
and fix that facing override bigstat
i want ABSOLUTELY ZERO external control over my controls

it's actually unplayable in a ton of ways
i'm 200 hours in, doing t15's fucking love this game
i play 50/50, controller at work
this is genuinely awful

and I have a lifetime of twinstick experience, it's super obvious and simple what is utterly wrong

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