Will there be Optimization Attempts?

Towns are CPU limited and totally dependent on how many other players there are.

In the caravan town in act 2, with 3 other local players, 60fps on ps5 pro default upscaling max res.
When there are 19 people there? 33fps.

Changing any of the resolutions or scaling doesn't change that fps, and you can see that on the cpu and gpu chart in the upper right corner. CPU is at like 19-20ms, GPU under 17ms.

I wonder if they will be able to do some optimization on CPU usage in towns with multiple player characters, because that is the bottleneck they need to look at.
I got to agreed. I'm on ps5 base model. Doing FSR performance mode. With dynamic scaling. and culling on. Culling makes the game to try to stay at 60 frames. Which is good.

Most of the time I play with 3 friends the FPS is so low. I can't imagine mapping. I'm only into act2 and I'm feeling it. I hope GGG will optimise this

In town is worse. I'm like playing. RuneScape. Wash out graphic laggy.

Maybe lessen the effect ? Also I can't drop bloom to zero.

I've tried NIS mode. It runs smoother abit. But the graphics and scenes are too flashy and bright
Last edited by JHKelvin#9963 on Dec 10, 2024, 1:04:15 AM

We also need an option in towns to disable other people MTX effects, I am getting 30/40 fps and it sucks.

I’ve actually wanted this for so long in Path. Too many MTX that spike gpu usage for no reason, coming from others that we have no control over. I don’t mind seeing the players. Just want to turn their MTX off.
I also think it’s a little bit of a bummer why PC gets WAY better UI compared to the console. They get BIG icons for buffs and debuffs at the top of their screen. We on console get tiny ones that sit near our health. Also think the aesthetic for the flasks should look the same as PC. It looks so much more natural and smoother being the actually flasks, not just a red/blue square with a tiny number on it.
The UI should be symmetrical across all games. Unsure why it’s divided.
The standard graphical settings didn't look good at all on my 4k TV. (Playing on Xbox series X)

It was grainy and oversharpened. The amount of sharpening made the characters and monsters look awful.

Now I've set it so FSR - No Downscaling - which looks much better, but still doesn't look great at all.

With FSR it's not as grainy, but based on the assets, it looks like it's running on low or medium settings, instead of high or ultra.

Hopefully the devs find a way to make this game look amazing on Xbox series X and PS5 with its standard settings, so that new players will instantly have a good experience with the graphics.

Last edited by Allananaz#8189 on Dec 10, 2024, 2:38:36 AM
I just want being able to do endgame atleast solo viable on console please
Can confirm. Playing on PS5, and 4k samsung tv with VRR. Don't know why in game present 120 hz option.
When I selected it game runs at 80-100 fps outside of the town. But when battle starts fps drops to 30-45 fps.
I changed settings a lot and result is the same.

Someone said to chooses FSR mode, but it makes game looking like complete garbage, not optimized poe1 client for PS4 looks better than poe2 with FSR. Terrible mode making graphics so ugly. And tbh it doesn't solve dropping fps during combat.

Hope it'll change with future updates. If not better not to play this game on PS5.

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