PoE 2: I hate it.....almost everything about it
" Except one of the greatest ARPGs of them all, now 20 years old, does have exactly this. Extreme rarity. But of course you think it's bad so it is bad. Go play a different game or wait for Diablo 5. There you can play through the campaign in 3 hours and be full of legendaries in 1 more. "SUCH FUN" You know who else thinks like that and tried to build upon all these things that mentioned game did? The developers of PoE2. Last edited by Rebexus#0298 on Dec 8, 2024, 9:03:53 AM
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" I never played the diablo games, the ARPG games ive played have been poe and last epoch. Epoch is okay I guess, poe 1 is great. I dont understand why shit drops is preferred, especially when the gameplay experience is so heavily tied to gear. I was watching Ziz crush bosses in 30 seconds with stuns and crazy good dmg. Those very same bosses take over 6 minutes a piece on my stormweaver. One cannot help but wonder how such a lust for loot can affect a persons mind. Although these exiles appear to be our salvation, it would not take much for them to turn on us as easily as they fight gods and demons.
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Farming is part of the genre and Diablo 2 had, out of all the existing, the best itemization by far. And into that, rarity played a huge part. PoE is an online game by design, trade for your items if need be. And if you don't want to, farm. 2 hours is nothing. In Diablo 2, people used to farm for 50 or 100 hours to get a specific drop. And no, that doesn't mean I necessarily approve of that rarity. But best-in-slot items should not be handed out like gummibears. And best-in-slot here refers to the item itself, not the roll. You've farmed for 2 hours, that is nothing in comparison. Did you have fun farming? If you didn't, maybe you should skip this game. If I were to tell you that I'd run 5 hours of just farming in Diablo 2 and I actually like it, especially with the addition of Terror Zones (all areas are farm-able).
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I knew the toxicity would come out, but I'll point out that I love the immediate "jump" to Oh, you must be a D4 player! And the classic "I guess I need to teach you how to play" condescension.
For the record I hate D3 and D4. I grew up on D2, played it and its clones until beta PoE, and have been playing PoE since. I also prefer old-school PoE 1 to its current iteration of loot explosions and 30 second map clears and insta-gibbing bosses. I am well versed in "builds", "support gems", and everything else that was mentioned as a defense of the current state of PoE 2, having spent over 18000 hours in PoE 1 making 100s if not 1000s of builds. None of that is lost on me. My problem is that everything in PoE 2 currently is at the outermost extremes in almost all cases. It doesn't need a LOT of tweaking, but it does need tweaking in nearly every aspect. Even by OG PoE standards, its a slog. Even though I say it doesn't need a lot, the difference is enough. I still stand by my "drama queen" statement: currently, I hate everything about PoE 2. I hate playing it. I hate the skills. I hate the item drops. I hate the maps and areas. I'm speaking on my own enjoyment, and I would rather close the game and not open it again, than play it. Which is now what I did. I closed the game when I made this post and haven't touched it since. It has nothing to do with skill...I certainly CAN handle the game. But I simply don't want to because its not fun in its current state. The game should make me want to improve, want to farm better gear, want to replay areas over and over again. It doesn't. It makes me sad because it has the potential to be way better than current PoE 1. I'm 99% sure GGG purposely released it in such an extreme state so that they can tweak and adjust later. Until that happens, my reaction to it still stands. Starting anew....with PoE 2 Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Dec 8, 2024, 12:30:50 PM
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"Hi, actual diablo player here, drops were much more common in diablo 1 and 2 than in poe 2, if you were not finding stuff in d2 you would build an mf character and could farm good gear. Not sure where all you "drops were super rare in d2" people are coming from but it wasn't d2. I had every class at 99 in hardcore classic d2 before lod released. |
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" "Hi, I'm the real deal here, don't listen to that noob." That's really how you start your response? Yikes. And besides that, there's plenty of mf-runs, with full MF gear, as a compilation. One can go and watch these on YouTube and check for themselves what the drop rates are, and even with MF gear the drop rates can be abysmal. CAN be. Because at the end of the day, it is still RNG. But hey, what do I know. You are the "actual" D2 player here! :) |
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@plague: not only that, but with sockets and gems (later, runes), even grey normal items had usability right from level 1.
And crucially, the gear that dropped was commensurate with the actual damage and defense required of the game. So even if it was as scarce as PoE 2 (which it wasn't), it had a much greater effect on the player. @above: he started the post that way because you described a non-existent game...also, you want a better tone from responses, perhaps work on yours? My guess is you have a probation on another account which is why you created this one...today? Starting anew....with PoE 2 Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Dec 8, 2024, 2:20:46 PM
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" Correct, i am a well known d2 player, you are completely making things up, d2 was never tedious to gear and you could do all content off self found drops or craft gear capable of doing it, a fresh league start had players in hell doing chaos sanctuary runs on the first day in classic, lod is even easier. |
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"D2 never dropped good loot and you'd have to farm forever blah blah"
Meanwhile, 3 minute cow clears, 2 minute meph runs, and endless baal spam. |