POE2 - Gembloom Skull not dropping both acts

Kashou#2868 wrote:

I would suggest just giving the player the bonus spirit on kill and making the boss just drop a guaranteed spirit gem. Dropping an item to pick up to use is very error prone. Would be better if it was an NPC quest reward at least like most things in 1 cause it's less susceptible to player error or server crashes etc.

The bosses drop consumable items on purpose. It can easily be missable if they just gave you the stats, even with a message on the screen. The player would never realize he had more spirit until much later.

Having him consume an item more or less guarantees he's aware of the stats increase.

Maybe it would be safer to be gated behind quests like in PoE1.
Burpees#2128 wrote:
Kashou#2868 wrote:

I would suggest just giving the player the bonus spirit on kill and making the boss just drop a guaranteed spirit gem. Dropping an item to pick up to use is very error prone. Would be better if it was an NPC quest reward at least like most things in 1 cause it's less susceptible to player error or server crashes etc.

The bosses drop consumable items on purpose. It can easily be missable if they just gave you the stats, even with a message on the screen. The player would never realize he had more spirit until much later.

Having him consume an item more or less guarantees he's aware of the stats increase.

Maybe it would be safer to be gated behind quests like in PoE1.

Or just make the notifications actually pop up and cover the entire screen. Rather than a single line of white text in the chat box.
same with me killed him 4 times on cruel and still no drop idk if it's because i died after killing him the first time or what.

Edit: I just realized I am an idiot and that he is not supposed to drop the skull at cruel difficulty lol and that i do have 100 spirit.
Last edited by pixalcreeper#8100 on Dec 23, 2024, 6:52:28 AM
I'm on act 2 of cruel and my base spirit is still 30 definitely 100% bugged because I've killed these bosses and I definitely didn't know this gem existed.
This problem is insane, I've made 3 alts and need to create a 4th one just to hope getting a spirit.

The mechanic of getting spirit is so unforgiving, when i discovered the game for the first time I didnt know i had to pick up the skull then use it. So i lost my 30 spirits on that character.

Then made alts to try out the spirit mechanic, then I bugged i didn't loot any skull.

So now i'm making another alt in hope to get one. It is so clunky and you can easilly brick your character for no particular reasons or just a miscomprehension of the game. I think this is silly and need to be changed.

The problem is not the bugs, it's how you get those spirit. Every characters should have their 30 spirit at that point of the game, no matter if you missclick or not, because there are now way to get it back if you make a mistake.
Last edited by Fleur_Intestinale#1237 on Dec 26, 2024, 10:03:55 AM
I've just started Cruel - with no Spirit. Neither the Gembloom or Gemrot skulls dropped for me.

This is very problematic. Basically ending the game for me. C'mon guys - fix this.
I'm level 68, killed all bosses several times that should give items with spirit when used. I only got from Act 1 normal mode and from Act 3 nightmare difficulty. From Act 3 normal difficulty the item does not drop, I've already killed the witch more than 20 times.
wrong thread
Last edited by Cornhorlio#4124 on Jan 5, 2025, 1:04:53 PM
After further investigation, there appears to be a bug where quest items can fail to drop from bosses under certain conditions. We will be looking into fixing this.

To be clear, if you've slain Mist King (Normal), Ignagduk (Normal) and Ignagduk (Cruel), used the quest items they drop, you should have 100 Spirit.
same problem.... I do not remember either if i found the skull or nor, but i have no spirits in my char... any ideas if this is fixed?

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