Ignagduk, the Bog Witch not spawning

As enough people already posted here: It is not a bug. Even though the map & quest design is horrible imho. The arena is simply not at the totem site but elsewhere. In my case north of the totems.

This is normal (level 36) act 3.
It should get X out when you use the spirit buff item.

I think it's possible many here is trying to figure out how to X out the level 60 version of the boss, Including myself.

Grabbed all loot, killed her before and after the totems, checked town/turn in.
Still no clue.

Exalts dropped like candy though after getting the fire res/rarity buff, so not a total waste I guess. Probably more luck than the extra 25.

Edit: Your right, OP specifies Normal mode.
Wonder if anyone other than me missed that.
Last edited by Xtroll#5540 on Feb 13, 2025, 3:49:25 PM
Vinchova#6627 wrote:
I reentered zone to check how much rarity, but apparently you only keep it until you leave zone, not permanently in that instance.

Also 25% atleast in The Azak Bog (60), not sure about normal.
Had no problems re-entering and re-gaining +25% rarity, maybe fixed?

Note: Rarity is a "On Kill" effect and found on gem stats, not the character screen.
Last edited by Xtroll#5540 on Feb 13, 2025, 3:58:05 PM

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