PoE 2 Character missing

Today when I logged in my character I was playing yesterday is missing and the character name says it's been taken.
Last bumped on Feb 25, 2025, 10:35:03 AM
i connected steam account and psn account to poe account
and same! char dissapair even that, names still "Its been taken,
so i guess somekind of server synchro problem?
Same here! Connected my steam accaunt to PoE account and now my character is gone! I play on PS5.
Same thing happened to me, linked steam and ps5 to POE account, POE2 level 28 witch character gone 😭
Nearly lvl 40 and signed in the morning to it all being gone...making me start over like I am brand new again.
also happened to me after linking steam
Hi , i have an issue and i need some help, hoping you guys can assist me, so i have been playing on my xbox with a mercenary character, its level 43 i believe, but today i tried to play and my character was gone so i don't know what happened can you guys help me please
Its not linking the accounts. Its switching them.
I got my character back. What I had to do was download the poe2 launcher on pc and buy another poe2 supporter pack for the pc, ugh. My original was on xbox. At the main title screen after login in you can choose between the 2 accounts that are linked. Choose the one that has your missing character. This worked for me. I need some added gold to my account GGG for this one guys.
Damn, my user too! 3 level 20 +- characters gone! What to do

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