Continuous Stuttering/Lag Despite Stable FPS and Internet in PoE 2 Early Access

Same here, breach is a no go...

sad cause the game is beautifull
Disabling this Microshit should fix yur probs

trans to your conv...merry X-mas (not the musk-shit X, muharrharr)
Just piggybacking on this thread: The Australia gateway has been having ongoing stuttering and rubber-banding at peak times on weekdays (6pm+ AEST) since Wednesday 18th Dec. It has started happening again now (midday Saturday). Another thread on this issue has various replies of others experiencing the same thing in Aus instances.

Sadly, using the Auckland gateway still results in most maps opening in Aus instances. Hope GGG can address this before the holidays!
KOLANIX#4833 wrote:
Disabling this Microshit should fix yur probs

trans to your conv...merry X-mas (not the musk-shit X, muharrharr)

Had all of these on, still crappy lag. That's not it. At least, for me.
So at night time i get free of stutters somehow.... Hmmmm....
Seems like somone is being greedy. What a pitty
Not sure if my problem goes in this thread, but when there is a Breach/Delirium opened the game become unplayable. I had - 0 - problems before last patch.

The game seems to slow down A LOT, like 10x slower and that till the portal close, and after some time, the game stop slowing down and my characters start moving everywhere at SSJ4 speed and I just die.
Just adding that my game runs perfectly smooth while in The Temple of Chaos. As soon as I zone in to the actual Trial of Chaos, the stuttering starts.

Can repeat this consistently.

Seems to hint that at least some of it is zone related. That said, I get stuttering in plenty of other zones as well.
Last edited by Rodizal#6274 on Dec 20, 2024, 9:21:33 PM
Kajak#1558 wrote:
Not sure if my problem goes in this thread, but when there is a Breach/Delirium opened the game become unplayable. I had - 0 - problems before last patch.

Can also confirm that this started showing up with the patch for me.
It seems to be happening whenever a ton of mobs show up in a short period of time.

I also had zero problems and a constant 165 fps (on a 6900XT) prior to this. Seems to be the same on Vulkan and DX12 too.
Having the same issue as well - game slows to a crawl (most often in breach or delirium, but also in regular map sometimes) then speeds up almost to catch up.
We had 2 people in the game and it happened to both at the same time.
Stable 100+FPS the whole time, ping looking relatively smooth without any notable spikes during the lag.

I had the issue on both the Auckland and Aus servers.
more like PoE 1.5 at this point.

Every single permanent issue not fixed in the attrocious PoE 1 client is here. the freezes, crashes, stutter fake latency spikes.

Same bones on a fresh skin

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