Difficulty is way to high
" I'm somewhat certain that was hidden away in a different part of the menu because I'd have taken it if it was presented to me. Instead it's looking like I bricked my character unless it is actually true that these drop more commonly in Act 2. |
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Difficulty is not too high.
You're trying to play it like PoE. PoE is a different game. This game is a completely different style. Builds that worked in PoE are not going to work here. Experiment. Try completely different things. If it doesn't work, try something else. I'm sick of people who play a game, die a few times and then say 'Right, it's too hard, I want easy mode'. They tried this with Elden Ring. They didn't get an easy mode. Instead they got an even more difficult DLC. Which also sold insanely well. If, after a few weeks into full release, the playing figures are lower than expected, I imagine GGG will make tweaks to suit. But I'm betting that hundreds of thousands of players will be very happy. This is Early Access. It's right we find the imbalances now, so we can report them and have things tweaked a little. But we don't need Easy Mode. We need to provide GOOD feedback to the devs so they can see what might be the greatest points of frustration, so they can fix them. |
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difficutly is indeed too high if people are complaining about it.
poe was good because you could steamroll through it, and people complained poe was too difficult without a build which is 100% true no one wants to play dark souls poe the boss fights aren't fun. they're tedious and will get real boring real quick. from what i've seen in the streams, the best streamers hardcore poe streamers |
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" It's not that the game is "too hard" per se, not like a soul like. But the monsters have too much life, it's heavy, the builds don't send enough. I spend my time attacking by retreating on each pack of mobs ... It's long and not very fun. We play a HnS, not a dungeon simulator |
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Game being difficult is fine, probably a little to hard for actual Hardcore maybe.
But the way the skill system works, some of the payouts are just not there yet. If i work for 20-30 seconds on breaking the bosses armor and i get a single shot with a little extra damage as a reward(same goes for freeze) that's just not enough and you might aswell just spam one skill wihtout payouts from using combos for less downtime. |
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If you over level by just a little bit, the bosses and enemies become significantly easier as long as you don't play horribly. I recommend that players who are having a difficult time to try and upgrade their gear by redoing some of the boss battles (Random Drops). Also, sometimes gear at the vendors are better than gear drops and make sure to keep up with your flask's upgrades.
That being said, I do believe there are definitely balance issues with this game. As someone who has played every modern day FromSoft developed game and actually enjoys them. This game pretty much plays exactly like them, that can be good or bad depending on who you talk to. For starters, it's important to reward players for completing Act Bosses accordingly so players can feel good about their progression. Right now, the RNG is so bad with drops off bosses that makes playing this game a chore rather than exciting. The one thing Souls Like games always does right is the items that drop from bosses are static. It's guaranteed that your character will progress and do more damage regardless of a player's skill. I'm not saying you should make items static by any means but at least make Story Boss drops useful for character progression to help more casual players succeed so they don't get burned out before even completing ACT1. This is just an opinion from a long-time hardcore gamer to now midcore. |
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100% right, poe 2 is absolute dog shit, i wish i didn't wasted 30€ on this crap.
They want to please the sweaty nerds to make the game super hard, then throw in some fucking option to chose difficulty in the campaign, easy, normal, hard, and sweaty nerd level. Even the game itself feels so bad, takes so many hits to kill random white mobs, where is the great feeling we had on poe1 where you attacks felt really powerfull, all ive experienced so far is dying over and over to stupid boss with a millions health, takes 1 hours to understand the mechanics and defeat them, where is the fun in that ? If end game boss are like that FINE, but struggling to level up and go past act 1 is not fun at all. And i know we're not some isolated case, everyone is having the same complains, appart from the streamers who spend their life playing the game as a job, and the sweaty nerd that yell : get good, you just bad, the majority of players agree that this shit is not enjoyable. |
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Eh I don't mind the difficulty, i'm mid act 2 and there have been a few bosses where I died 3-5 times. It's a new game, you don't have your babby mode cookie cutter netbuild so you can't just erase the campaign in 7 hours deathless on a league start like in POE1 leagues.
Loot scarcity is shit though. Barely any currency drops and there are no alteration orbs in the game. "Crafting" seems to be transmutation -> augmentation -> throw away (cos your 2 affixes are almost certainly not usable). Not even a scouring to keep your base item. |
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Lol, the silverback is pure ai grief, the milisecond you dodge roll to early it knows exactly were you will land and one shots you xd
I even play a character with armor lol, that thing hits so hard. Maybe i am zdps and fight takes to long dunno but that really felt like a souls game beginning act 3 jungle... |
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![]() God thanks for this loot :') |
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