PoE 2 - I hate trial of the sekhemeas so much

I have never seen an aspect of core progression locked behind such an obtuse mechanic in a game. Like, it's literally a mechanic that over half of players seem to hate, how on earth was that managed?

I'm enjoying poe 2 but the trials are one of the worse experiences I've had in a video game.

That's the question everyone is asking. Sanctum was one of the least popular content pillars in PoE1 after being added as mainstay. Nobody understands how GGG thought that somehow it would go over fine for them to make it mandatory in 2. It unironically feels like they thought that if they forced us to play it we'd somehow magically come to love it.

Quite simply the Streamers and top .01% players loved it. They made lots of videos saying how great it was and lots of Reddit post because they made loads of currency. GGG thinks this was a popular opinion just like how they thought "were bringing back the most popular most requested mechanic in PoE.... Ultimatum, instead of Sentinel which easily was the most popular mechanic in the last 3 years.

I don't even think that's true. the .01% of players, a lot of them even now are saying that it still sucks, and are saying it sucks in POE2 as well. They just tolerated it during its own league since it was such a outpouring of easy currency if you meta-built for it.

It really seems most likely that there's immense favoritism by a specific dev or two and they're desperately denying reality in the hopes that everyone will just miraculously start to like the thing they like.
Will GGG ever address this issue with the sanctum and trial balance? Or are they you know only focusing on nerfing builds.

At least acknowledge trials need some rework and rebalance and focus on it soon enough instead
this is how devs think. most devs tend to be pretty arrogant if not narcissistic, and they truly believe that if you don't like something they designed, there is something wrong with you, because they are EXPERTS at game design.
Will GGG ever address this issue with the sanctum and trial balance? Or are they you know only focusing on nerfing builds.

At least acknowledge trials need some rework and rebalance and focus on it soon enough instead

Its probably a matter of priority. Nerfs are easy to recognize the need for AND to dish out. The problems with Sanctum are too inherent. Its going to require a lot of reworking, well beyond just tweaking some numbers. Its natural that it will take them longer to get to that, or take them longer to say anything about their intended solutions.

My complaint is just the radio silence on the overwhelming negative reaction to the Trials systems. They were quick to make that feedback response 5 days ago (4 days after EA opened). I'm not saying I'm expecting them to rework Sanctum RIGHT NOW, it would just be nice for them to go "Yeah, we're aware Sanctum isn't working out and are planning to address it soon".

The longer they take, the more the negativity will boil up. There's already a lot of resentment of the fact Sanctum was chosen to be in 2 AT ALL because it was radically, RADICALLY unpopular in 1. So, the silence feels a bit like they're being quiet because they don't want to admit they fucked up and never should have put it in 2 in the first place.
kinshade#2703 wrote:
this is how devs think. most devs tend to be pretty arrogant if not narcissistic, and they truly believe that if you don't like something they designed, there is something wrong with you, because they are EXPERTS at game design.

I have seen this so many times across all genres of gaming. Those games developers dont last long and then the devs put out a grumpy video blaming thier customers for thier company failing.

Last edited by KingDaMuncha#6025 on Dec 15, 2024, 7:38:19 PM
I plan to do a more detailed feedback post of my experience with the game so far, but I wanted to at least leave this one:

I hate trial of the sekhemas so much. I hated sanctum league and avoided the mechanic in future leagues. I'm trying to do this literal dogsh*t. The boss has mechanics that don't seem interested in killing you, but seem interested in chunking down your honor. I hate the honor system so much. My most used "skill" is dodge roll, yet the boss spawns volcanoes everywhere.

My build has a lot of life regen, which is worth about bugger all with the stupid honor system.

I want my demon form morph... so if I am bad at sanctum, I have to wait until act 3 for ascendancy?

I'm certain people will flame me for this post. But I am leaving the feedback nonetheless: I goddamn hate trial of the sekhemas! I hate sanctum league mechanics!

wait until you have to do the third and fourth ascendancy... you have to drop the items to get in, AND THEN, if you waited to level up enough... YOU CANT ASCEND IF YOURE OVER 5 LEVELS above the item you got. XDD
Completely agree.
I am not saying it's too difficult, or they should make it easier, etc.
It's just a bad idea to tie one of the most important features of the game to a PoE 1 league mechanic.
i despised Sanctum and ultimatum in POE1
so did 99% of the players

saying you've added the most popular modes is a strait up lie.

you added them because theyr were your least played mechanics and now
forcing everyone to go trough this. how do you expect to get good reviews from people ?

the more i play the more i reconsider making new characters in order to advance.

ill keep trying to find broken builds over and over even if you nerf them in order to play without ascending. period.

reached a discusting level.

i probably wont even do them on 1.0 full release, thats how much i hate them

also, i was Sooo exited to know Delve was going to make it. am a huge fan of it

now am not even sure i even want to even hear about it as it will be another broken un-doable one to ignored.

its not Fun, its a chore, its a waste of time, its Way too long, honor system is pure trash

i finish work only to log in game and feel like am working again..

i would of done them gladly if it was optional stuff for extra rewards you do once
(this is where you should of put your permanent character stats increases)

but forced to do it to advance no ty.

patch it all you want, i am playing without these stupid ascends, you won, i gave up.

its also bugged with controllers... when you die, you cant even leave.

i really wonder how and why the intern testers approved that.

love the game and all but the ascends and the way we get them ? no
am sorry but your classes ascend nods arnt even that fun and worth the effort

if the sense of advancing and improving a character dosnt put a smile on peoples faces, then it failed badly

Keep them but please Revamp into something else than ascendancies.

Last edited by h311raiser69#0600 on Dec 15, 2024, 9:32:32 PM

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