Allow us to change the text size, it's wayy too small

Hi, i'm on ps5 on a 77" tv and we can't change the text size, my poor eye are bleeding, please !
Last bumped on Jan 25, 2025, 10:20:46 AM
This. The only font size we can change is chat, and thats by far the least important text size i'd like to change. I know some of your windows might not work well without adjustments, but e.g. showing damage change numbers on passive skill tree could be scaled without issues (and the text is really, really small on 1080p)
Well thatd be a deal-breaker for me.

Odd. I thought one of the complaints was that GGG were being TOO console-conscious this time. Non-scaling fonts for a console arpg is PC Port Laziness 101.

Not that PoE1 is some shining beacon of accessibility and UI QoL but this is their chance to prove they acknowledge their players aren't getting any younger, and some really do just want to fuck about on console and a big TV and not get stuck in the PC upgrade metagame.

Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Created an account here to say this.
On PS5 I play on a 62" TV and sit six feet away. It's impossible to play this game without squinting. Before we even started playing my girlfriend was like "are you kidding me? They don't let you change this?" She got a headache and had to stop playing! I played into the night but it's fucking exhausting man.

I have a 32" TV at the foot of my bed and playing on that is damn near impossible.

This should be at the very top of the priority list for PS5. It really stinks.
Same, 55" Sony Android TV quite old but still 4k, text in the menus, items on the ground, hell everything is so small, blurry and pixelated that I have to sit on the floor in front of it to even play, should have gone pc route 🙄 hopefully not too long for some kind of fix.
Hey all, I made a post about this as well and I agree. It would help the game in the long run to be able to resize text so it can be easily read on TV setups.

Thanks GGG
I agree, text is hard to read for people over 50! ;)
I will continue to bump any post asking for this and other "dad gamer" quality of life when I see it. +1
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
I really want to play this game, but I can't read the text on PS5. There are tons of posts about this from the first game. Some are several years old. A vast majority of this game is reading skills, items, and stats. I don't understand how they could release it on consoles if you can't read it? Hopefully they add a console scaling option soon.
Agreed, I try to read as little as possible when playing, you can't see shit.

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