twithc drops not showing up anywhere?

deebe#5448 wrote:
Login on the poe website go to your account, click the manage account button on the right side. From there scroll down to social links and click rewards.

This seems to manually force the rewards to be updated at least for me.

Hope this works for you.

This one actually works. Got rewards right after this.
deebe#5448 wrote:
Login on the poe website go to your account, click the manage account button on the right side. From there scroll down to social links and click rewards.

This seems to manually force the rewards to be updated at least for me.

Hope this works for you.

This fixed it for me, thank you!
deebe#5448 wrote:
Login on the poe website go to your account, click the manage account button on the right side. From there scroll down to social links and click rewards.

This seems to manually force the rewards to be updated at least for me.

Hope this works for you.

MVP right here, it also lived updated as the game was open the moment I did what you said.

can we get a forum moderator to acknowledge to issue?

Everyone that is missing their Twitch drops. Go to Manage Account > Scroll to the bottom where it shows your Twitch account connected. Disconnect and reconnect it and I bet it shows up like mine did. Then it'll show your Twitch rewards and the date they were claimed.


This worked for me! Thank you so much @Standing_Stones#0709

-Thank you! I waited 30 hours then tried this and it worked. I just got both my missing drops
Sadly kinda same Issue.
I first started Poe2 via Steam and got an account
after that i created an account later on the website
merged both accounts and added twitch account
but the drops didn't show up ingame even if the website said the date they were claimed.
because they were on the wrong #account Number
So i removed the twitch connection and relinked with the right # and connected with my characters and Currency on.
nothing worked so i disconnected and reconnected with the right # name and number.
I tried to disconnect and reconnect again but still won't work till now.
the problem is this
you have to hit K

then scroll down to look at each area until you see the drop thats alreay in place in the cosmetic box.


so unless you are used tot his strange POE sysytem of cosmetics,

MVP Post, thanks so much =)
Not showing any twitch gifted sub transactions. Spent $25, have not received the chimera anywhere. Linked my Xbox account and all.
Same. I disconnected both POE and Twitch accounts then relinked them and the drops showed up in game. Try that. Worked for me just now.
same here, i try the relink method but didnt work for me

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