Witch Minion issue : 0 Spirit

Hi all,

I just started a Witch and am level 8. My skeletons have disappeared and I can't get them to come back.

My skills page has a red Exclamation mark and the three skills associates (Warrior, Arsonist, Sniper) all have red exclamation marks. Top of the skill window reads "0" Spirit.

I have a Scepter equipped with 100 spirit listed. When I go to set minion count it is properly deducting the amount from the bar. Still no skeletons are summoned.

I've unequipped, re equipped, reloaded the game, restarted from checkpoint, restarted my PS5. Still cannot get skeleton minions. This is a severe handicap and I don't understand how to fix it.

I'd rather not have to make a new character but I fear I may have to. ny insight would be appreciated.
Last bumped on Dec 25, 2024, 11:30:28 AM
Made a video showing what happens when your SPirit is reset and you attempt to use minions:

I just encountered this same issue, was trying to look for an answer. I’m level 7, as soon as I equipped a scepter with level 3 minions it set my spirit to 0. I’ve unequipped everything and trying restarting but still have the same issue of red exclamation marks on my minion skills and no minions able to be summoned.
Yeah similar issue. Game says I should be able to have 6 skeletons, but I can only summon 4.

Was strange, was working fine, then I teleported to town and upon returning to the instance, that's when the issue started.

I've tried relogging, weapon swapping etc. This ruins the summoner and there's no point to leveling one any further. Which is a shame because I was enjoying it.
Same issue. I am level 6 and my minions doesn't resummon. It also says 0 spirit but i have a scepter.. it suddenly stopped working
GGG please hotfix spirit on spectre's asap. Impossible to play without.
For me It was wonkyness with the skill gem and the skill that comes with the sceptre. I had a sceptre with Skele Minion and I engraved a gem with the same skill. I eventually stopped using the gem and unequipped it but the game was still registering and sutracting the spirit as if i was still using it.

Scenerio. You're running a summon minion warrior sceptre in main and off hand and you engrave a gem with summon minion warrior and put it in a gem slot in one of your sceptre and the game barfed on itself because it doesn't know what to look at. Also check Minion Sniper for spirit aloccation.
Last edited by ShadoonX#9310 on Dec 7, 2024, 4:16:32 PM
I encountered this — turns out I had to bind swap weapon to a hotkey and make sure I switched to scepter
Okay so I think someone posted a similar fix but when I swapped my scepter to my offhand it returned my spirit back to 100, this is the only fix I’ve found so far
my issue is, i tried using summons on a monk, i had a herald of thunder equipped on my other weapon set and apparently it negates the use of summons when i swap to my sceptre weapon set. which kinda sucks.

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