POE 2 Complete PC Freeze while loading screen

Guys, just disable Engine multithreading from Options > Graphics. Never had a crash since i disabled it

Ya bro, enjoy your 30 fps. I'm not disabling multithreading on my 9800X3D.

GGG can fix their game instead.
Still. All updated. Reported several times.

Complete crash, not even to desktop, no 3-finger salute, hard restart of the machine required.





Hundreds of pages. No word from GGG.
My familiar is a pterodactyl, and I feed it dipshits! - J.R. "Bob" Dobbs
only thing working 100% for me is setting the affinity by hand after starting the game, at least this way it just crashes and doesnt freeze my entire pc

in the taskmanger -> details -> search for poe process, right click and set affinity.. remove 2-3 cores
IGN: suckisucki
usualy online between 22:00 - 02:00 CEST
Last edited by weez#7881 on Feb 1, 2025, 8:49:30 PM
Last edited by TheFARMBOT2000#7917 on Feb 2, 2025, 2:42:46 AM
FIXXYYY FIXXXYYYY GGG. Tired of clenching my arse every time i go through a portal and see my CPU usage spike to 130% and don't know if i am gonna make it out the other side.
IGN: Elem_Mental

Lets all drink red bull jump out of a plane and hope for the best.
Same issue. The only thing which helps 100% is playing in a window (i.e. not fullscreen windowed, but in a window with title bar, which can be put to full screen). I bet there's some race condition in the engine behind this, or some obscure interaction with the driver (or likely combination of issues which makes this difficult to debug). Good luck devs! (just a hint, if I may, nobody will read it anyway: try putting sleeps to order threads execution in a reproducible way, while it seems stupid it's a simple technique which helps a ton to find race conditions, once you at least suspect something).
bump PLEASE. been trying to play for the first time sense release and it crashes on so many loading screens
GitGudEZ#3382 wrote:
This is a GGG/PoE2 issue, been well documented and established.

Where can I read those documents?
Ulsarek#7159 wrote:
So does Linux. PoE 1 and 2 are the only games on my library to cause this issue. This is 100% on GGG.

Yes. If it's Linux fault, then it must be patched. GGG doesn't have access to your hardware or ring 0 at all.
AnubisXT#0335 wrote:

And yet happens in Linux too? Yeah that doesn't track.

Linux's PoE still uses Windows API running via proton / wine, translating Win32 calls to Linux natives.

PS Show me official native poe 1/2 binaries from the developers.
Last edited by cursorTarget#1174 on Feb 2, 2025, 1:52:52 AM
The problem is also worstened the last weeks. PoE uncrasher was working, before. Now it struggles and almost every time I launch the game, it crashes...

This is so frustrating.

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