POE 2 Complete PC Freeze while loading screen

maclane#2974 wrote:
Hello everyone I believe i have discovered an actual real fix.
the culprit appears to be hardware-accelerated gpu scheduling.

Tested this, was almost sure it worked (6h no problem) and then next day crash.
Personally, I'm sick and tired of trying out placebo fixes, I tried like 10 of them so far but ultimately they all failed and my PC froze. I hope GGG fixes this shit ASAP.
Last edited by OlDirtyNacho#6936 on Dec 23, 2024, 1:26:52 PM
It's very simple to me. This issue only occurs for me with PoE2. Is it a problem with the latest windows update? Maybe, but by the simple process of elimination the fact that all my other programs and games work without any issue makes it rather obvious that there's some kind of incompatibility between the latest windows update and the current version of PoE2.

So if people could stop saying it's unrelated to PoE2 now that'd be great. It most definitely, 100% is.

Keep in mind that more and more people are upgrading to Windows 24H2 every day. The solution can't be "rollback windows" because less than 1% of the player base is going to do that. And still, we have heard nothing from GGG on how they plan to address this.
Last edited by xkyfire#6923 on Dec 23, 2024, 1:33:42 PM
maclane#2974 wrote:
Hello everyone I believe i have discovered an actual real fix.
the culprit appears to be hardware-accelerated gpu scheduling.
this windows feature can be disabled like so
settings->system->display->graphics->advanced graphics settings->hardware-accelerated gpu scheduling->off and then restarting your pc

if you are experiencing complete hard pc lockup during loading screens, (especially on latest windows update 24h2) then try disabling this feature as it seems to have a very bad interaction with poe 2.

I was experiencing hard pc lockup at least 50% of the time when loading into a new zone. I tried pretty much every potential solution i could come across with no success. After disabling this feature i have had no lockups and no crashes.

If disabling this feature doesn't completely prevent the issue for you then you can also try enabling v-sync and capping framerate at least below 100fps in the games settings.

to add further info a modern cpu should be designed to reach 100% utilization without crashing a system, therefore this is likely not the direct cause as many people have assumed. The issue seems to be a combination of this windows feature and the game itself.

Hardware-accelerated gpu scheduling for those wondering is a feature integrated into windows that is designed to offload certain tasks from the cpu to the gpu. This in theory reduces the load on the cpu, however the opposite effect seems to occur with poe 2. There is no need to worry about disabling this feature as it is only really designed to help pcs that are bottlenecked by a weaker cpu, and it can be re-enabled at any time.

I hope this helps everyone, and thanks for reading!

This actually finally worked for me. After a lot of tests this is the best solution by far.
I tried this, not work for me.
maclane#2974 wrote:
Hello everyone I believe i have discovered an actual real fix.
the culprit appears to be hardware-accelerated gpu scheduling.
this windows feature can be disabled like so
settings->system->display->graphics->advanced graphics settings->hardware-accelerated gpu scheduling->off and then restarting your pc

if you are experiencing complete hard pc lockup during loading screens, (especially on latest windows update 24h2) then try disabling this feature as it seems to have a very bad interaction with poe 2.

I was experiencing hard pc lockup at least 50% of the time when loading into a new zone. I tried pretty much every potential solution i could come across with no success. After disabling this feature i have had no lockups and no crashes.

If disabling this feature doesn't completely prevent the issue for you then you can also try enabling v-sync and capping framerate at least below 100fps in the games settings.

to add further info a modern cpu should be designed to reach 100% utilization without crashing a system, therefore this is likely not the direct cause as many people have assumed. The issue seems to be a combination of this windows feature and the game itself.

Hardware-accelerated gpu scheduling for those wondering is a feature integrated into windows that is designed to offload certain tasks from the cpu to the gpu. This in theory reduces the load on the cpu, however the opposite effect seems to occur with poe 2. There is no need to worry about disabling this feature as it is only really designed to help pcs that are bottlenecked by a weaker cpu, and it can be re-enabled at any time.

I hope this helps everyone, and thanks for reading!

Just tried this and I've gotten into the game quicker and smoother with no lock ups more than any other fix besides the PoEUncrasher. I don't know how stable it is but doing this has definitely helped so far. Needs more game play testing I'm sure.
Last edited by CaptainSmr#6729 on Dec 23, 2024, 2:27:07 PM
Elenher#4379 wrote:

Who the fuck invited you to this party, and more importantly, why the fuck are you attacking me for trying warn someone that's experiencing something I experienced too? How the fuck is that forgetting about the topic in this thread?

My pc was 10 years old and started malfunctioning after a hard freeze playing Destiny 2. It hard freezed while playing and after that, it'd boot without video output. 3 months after, it was completely dead.

So yeah, it absolutely was a game causing a hard freeze that killed my old pc. Had to power it down with the button and some voltage regulator component went bad and over time, it fried the PSU, videocard and mobo. The fuck do you know about anything? My god, people this days. Absolute numbnuts.

If someone is experiencing no video output after a hard freeze, don't you see it's like, normal, to give them the heads up about their pc maybe dying, when I experienced a big problem because of it? In a thread about hard freezes, I wouldn't say that's even off-topic. Nor did I forget what the thread's about, if you check my messages here I often am answering about missinformation.

Don't bother answering my dude, I'm not going to read your sorry reply.

Wow, so toxic. Sure, blame the Destiny 2 for "killing" your old PC. Not the outdated hardware, with degraded chips, VRMs, condensers and other degraded stuff over time. Yeah, it's game killed your PC, 100%. 200%!!!
Elenher#4379 wrote:

The fuck do you know about anything?

For example I have enough brains not to blame software for killing something on purpose just because I know how it interracts with the hardware. Stop playing games and read some books at least.
Ulsarek#7159 wrote:

Are you on Nobara distro or something else? Like Arch or Mint?
From another thread:


Nvidia released hotfix driver, worth a shot.
Davajita#3875 wrote:
i have been having the same PC-wide crashes as everyone during loading screens. For the last few days, I have been playing successfully by disabling engine MT before traveling and reenabling once done. Not a single crash (of this type) so far doing that. So for me, the issue seems clearly related to the game attempting to use multiple threads during loading screens.

However a strange thing happened the other day. At one point, I forgot to turn off MT before clicking my portal. When I got into the loading screen, the gears froze, the sound started repeating the same half second period over and over, I couldn’t move the mouse, all the signs that a hard lockup was about to happen. But then, it recovered and I loaded into the zone normally. That has never happened before.

I was not willing to risk another hard reset by testing it again, but has anyone else had that happen?


I also was able to recover once. Don't know how to reproduce it again.

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