following worked (for me) and game stopped freezing completly, nothing else worked (tried everything with cpu/fps lock, nothing worked) :
make a exception in the Windows defender for follwing folder: "C:///User/User/appdata/roaming/Path of exile 2" --> restart computer one time --> no freezes and much smoother loading without any lag -->
windows defender was checking the shader cache everytime while it was created during the loading
I tried this, and it hasn't crashed since. I was also able to set everything to max and use DX12, and it runs smoother now.
Posted bySkérzo#1602on Dec 21, 2024, 2:33:26 PM
Just chiming in that this error bricked my brand new PC completely. It was a day old, just unboxed, installed steam, installed Poe2, started playing and everything froze in the first couple of zone changes. Nothing worked. I had to hard reboot because ctrl-alt-del didn't work.
This happened a couple more times. I had monitors running, and they recorded the CPU usage shooting up to 100% just before everything became unresponsive.
During one of these freezes, the PC powered itself off suddenly and refused to turn back on.
Brand new 2000+ dollar PC turned into a brick.
It's since been repaired and the necessary parts were replaced [...]
Absolutely, unequivocally unacceptable.
I would send the invoice to GGG, probably won't get anything back but I think they still need to get some reality check like that.
Also reported the game on steam for the lack of warning over there, and the potential harm to people's pc, it's early access sure, but they still need to do better. Much better. Not enough hardware has bricked to get a New World type of press coverage I guess...
Posted bymonkeyskank#1595on Dec 21, 2024, 2:39:14 PM
Last edited by Ulsarek#7159 on Dec 29, 2024, 4:01:45 PM
Posted byUlsarek#7159on Dec 21, 2024, 2:39:55 PM
Just chiming in that this error bricked my brand new PC completely. It was a day old, just unboxed, installed steam, installed Poe2, started playing and everything froze in the first couple of zone changes. Nothing worked. I had to hard reboot because ctrl-alt-del didn't work.
This happened a couple more times. I had monitors running, and they recorded the CPU usage shooting up to 100% just before everything became unresponsive.
During one of these freezes, the PC powered itself off suddenly and refused to turn back on.
Brand new 2000+ dollar PC turned into a brick.
It's since been repaired and the necessary parts were replaced, but I can confirm that the only thing that prevents the full lockup of the PC is Process Lasso keeping the game from using 100% of all the CPU's cores. I still crash, apparently, but at the very least I can ctrl-alt-del the game with cores 0 and 1 locked.
I've played POE since the Beta. I have one of the original Kiwis. I'm extremely invested... and I may just quit permanently over this. I can't risk thousands of dollars to play a game, and this has permanently damaged my confidence in GGG. I Mean, what if the same problem happens in another update in the distant future, and I don't have Process Lasso running at the time? Will I lose another PC?
Absolutely, unequivocally unacceptable.
i have a hard time believing this is true and even if it is what kind of person are you with lack of self awarness to keep starting the game knowing it will freeze? lmfao bro thought oh it froze 1 time 2 times 3 times it for sure won't freeze again.
this is the result of not wanting to wait for a fix
Posted byNufPoD#2344on Dec 21, 2024, 2:48:01 PM
I have done just about everything you can think of to fix this.
4080 super
running dx12 ( disabled just about everything for the game in Nvidia control panel to let POE handle it. )
here is a bat file that works for me to disable 2 core. This works for me to get out of the hard shutdown.
change your path for your game but you should be able to double click this on your desktop to disable 2 cores.
@echo off
echo Launching Path of Exile...
:: Launch POE
start "" "F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Path of Exile 2\PathOfExileSteam.exe"
:: Wait for process to start
echo Waiting for process...
timeout /t 5 /nobreak > nul
:: Set CPU affinity using PowerShell
echo Setting CPU affinity...
powershell.exe -command "$affinity = [Int64][Math]::Pow(2, [Environment]::ProcessorCount) - 4; $p = Get-Process PathOfExileSteam; $p.ProcessorAffinity = $affinity"
echo Done! Cores 0 and 1 should now be disabled.
Posted bybwaite43#7111on Dec 21, 2024, 2:52:17 PM
Made a new character today after changing some windows settings and made it to the A2 caravan so far without a single freeze. I used to have total system freeze every few zones.
What i did was disabled all Windows graphics settings. and also from power usage plan settings i switched to the balanced setting and from Advanced settings i set CPU maximum power usage to 95%.
I suspect that games etc that use alot of CPU cause the freezes when certain windows setting are applied.
Disable windows graphic settings.
Switch power plan to balanced.
advanced power setting set CPU max power usage to 95%
Posted byShatraugh#5113on Dec 21, 2024, 2:57:30 PM
I have a hard time believing that. The game crashes and hogs all the system resources, sure- your OS stops responding because no resources are left. However, you don't randomly draw more power, much less from the wall. Every halfway decent PSU even has safety measures on top and can sustain spiked loads beyond their actual rating for quite some time. If something was wrong with your PSU that's another story but PoE 2, even with the current bugs accounted for, doesn't burn your PSU or pops capacitors.
Thankfully, your belief isn't a requirement. The PC worked fine during intensive benchmarking. It failed only while running Poe2, while experiencing a widely reported bug that forces hard reboots of the PC.
Last edited by Greenboots#0648 on Dec 21, 2024, 3:02:09 PM
Posted byGreenboots#0648on Dec 21, 2024, 2:59:41 PM
sorry didn't see this thread, it also ruins my pc. It never happens say in Diablo or other games, only poe2
Posted byRangers#0605on Dec 21, 2024, 3:13:23 PM
Last edited by Ulsarek#7159 on Dec 29, 2024, 4:01:41 PM
Posted byUlsarek#7159on Dec 21, 2024, 3:14:24 PM
You keep telling yourself that. Everyone that knows a bit more about hardware, software and the many safety measures in place (cpu, mb, psu) knows that what you're trying to sell us here is bs. At worst you might corrupt / brick your OS install and have to reformat your ssd, or repartition it, but sure as hell your psu won't blow up from any of that. Lmao.
That's great and all, but I don't care, nor do I understand your goal here. You're not going to convince me to to reinstall and run the game and risk another PC, no matter how many times you try to tell me that it's 'impossible' that the point of failure was the buggy game that forces hard reboots (which, yes, *do* in fact sometimes damage power supplies and other components).
Posted byGreenboots#0648on Dec 21, 2024, 3:22:47 PM