This has happened more than once, and I'm thinking it's because of the game! I can't record or save anything to demonstrate this.
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
Last edited by AlanLeoPio#9616 on Dec 7, 2024, 8:13:30 AM
Last bumped on Dec 17, 2024, 8:18:41 PM
Yes, I’m having the same issue.
PS5 just turns off mid game. Doesn’t seem to be abnormally hot or anything.
It's happened to me too in the middle of a boss fight

The problem still persists! This is creating extreme risk for the PS5 video game.

It simply turns off, as if it were disconnected from the power!

And it's not a lack of power or lack of cleaning, it simply turns off out of nowhere!
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
Happening the same issue twice per few hours of playing.
I think it's possible overheating. But console working as usual and don't enable coolers on all power.
Simple turning off in random situation in any actions.
First time it happened when I using teleport. Second - in the middle of fight with default mobs.
And after turning off it don't turning on from ON\OFF button. Only put on\off the cable from console can help.
I had this problem a week ago for a different game. It's not the game. It's you fans clogged up causing overheating. Pop off your PS5 side panels, get a can of air and go nuts. You'll be surprised what's in there.
This happens to me all the time. Like 50% of the time when i teleport to new location, my fans start to go at max rotations. Sometimes it says ps5 is too hot and that i should turn it off, sometimes it just turns off automatically. My ps5 is clean (i clean it once a month) and this happens only when i play poe2. Every other game is working perfectly fine so I know for a fact it is happening because of this game. Some1 should really look into it cause I know im not the only one that is suffering from this problem.
This happens to me all the time. Like 50% of the time when i teleport to new location, my fans start to go at max rotations. Sometimes it says ps5 is too hot and that i should turn it off, sometimes it just turns off automatically. My ps5 is clean (i clean it once a month) and this happens only when i play poe2. Every other game is working perfectly fine so I know for a fact it is happening because of this game. Some1 should really look into it cause I know im not the only one that is suffering from this problem.

This is happening because we are playing at 120fps. I changed it to 60fps without upscaling it to 2k or 4k and the problem never happened again!
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
I've had this once. PS5 Pro hung and then initiated some hard reload trying to restore storage or something like that.
Happens to me like twice a day when i play poe2. Idk why. Ive done everything to try to prevent it from happening but nothing seems to work. Idk what to do

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