Cant enter portals!
Finally started rocking maps and now getting dc:d especially on party play every one or to maps. Just located hideout finally and two ways to there are now bugged. This is annoying af. I thought they fixed this issue but not.
Please patch this wasted 15 maps so far
From my first 6 maps, 2 worked -.- I'm running out of maps - this kills my progression.
if this was once fixed it certainly came back with the latest patch.
Havent had this issue before the last patch. |
I entered engame today, and my first map worked, but second was instant disconnect when clicking the portals. Tried different servers, to no avail. So this bug is not gone.
"That's how you die properly, Sailor Boy.."
opening 10 maps 5 isntan crash no more maps now. sad
same issue... instant disconnect on map entry.
" Does anyone know if their fix changed anything? I still cannot enter any maps. And so it is: Vini Vidi Flati |
All maps were so far for me.Then i bought lobgbook to have fun and i couldn't enter it cuz of disconnect mid loading.Rip Logbook :C
I'm still haing this issue was it patched?