POE2 purchased stash tabs shared between PC and PS5?

I assume the stash tabs and MTX purchased in POE on PC will be available on PC platform in POE2. However I now want to play POE2 on PS5. From what I've learned, purchases made on PC cannot be used on PS5, and vice versa.

This brings up a question: since the game is supposed to support cross-platform play, what happens if I purchase new stash tabs in PS5 and store items in them, then switch to PC to continue playing? Would those items become unusable on PC?

I am okay with MTX not being transferable, but stash tabs are a different matter. I'm not sure how GGG plans to handle this situation.

Does anyone have any ideas?
Last bumped on Feb 28, 2025, 1:21:19 PM
This from a post on the forums: Stash tabs become remove-only when logged into a different platform where you don't own them.
Last edited by Takaoshi#5358 on Nov 25, 2024, 2:49:19 AM
As Takaoshi mentioned you can find this information in our Early Access FAQ:https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3587981

"Stash tabs become remove-only when logged into a different platform where you don't own them."

I hope this helps to clarify things!
Thanks guys, it makes sense, though not that convenient
Is this just for the open beta, Or even after the full release?
If you purchase them on both systems can you access them as normal on both systems? I plan on using the Playstation portal a fair bit with poe2 but it keeps bugging the stash tabs every time i go in between. There are lots of games which have microtransactions that are purchased on other systems with no issues on playstation?
They are just holding you by the hamster wheel, extracting more transactions.
Last edited by Cronitox#1967 on Dec 27, 2024, 10:22:55 PM
Sian_GGG wrote:
As Takaoshi mentioned you can find this information in our Early Access FAQ:https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3587981

"Stash tabs become remove-only when logged into a different platform where you don't own them."

I hope this helps to clarify things!

I purchased the Supporter Pack for PS5 and PC. I Should get access to my stash tabs and cosmetics for both. Is this going to be enabled at anytime?
As far as I can tell you have to repurchase them on the playstation if you bought them on pc and vice versa. They become remove only tabs on the platform you didn't purchase them on.

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