Mouse and Keyboard support for console

I've been searching for answers and was lead here lol I really hope they do console m&k support as well. Playing on my pc with a controller and having the mk also is huge for games like this so hoping i can do it on my playstation as well.
Using the Xbox with a keyboard and mouse would be fantastic. Please make it happen!
currently playng on xbon and gameplay in general its pretty good im having a ton of fun but inventory management and buildcrafting is a nightmare if you are serious about the game. mouae and keyboard would be amazing PLEASE make it happen i know its not a priority rn but i think it would be the best quality of life thing you can do for console players
support this too, with added ui implementation swap controller mode and kbm mode
I would love to see mouse and keyboard support for console!
I absolutelly agree! Mouse and keyboard to PS5!!
I also support this!
I hope it becomes a reality.
this would make me so happy,im loving the game... im just not loving the jankyness of the inventory/stash/skill trees/crafting with a controller on ps5!
mouse and keyboard support would be a godsend! plzzzzz GGG!
+1 support for this idea. mouse and keyboard on ps5 and xbox would do world of wonders on playstyle and trade chat.
+1 for mouse and keyboard on Xbox. Inventory management with the controller is a nightmare when you have a lot of quad tabs.

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