Path of Exile 2 Early Access FAQ

Wil the EA have achievements/trophies? Or only on full launch ?
Time to come out of retirement.

Just gotta wait on that standalone client download.
It is the nature of man to create monsters,
It is the nature of monsters to destroy their creators.
Heiphz#2800 wrote:
Why did you guys do a shadow change to the lifetime purchases rule?


Wow that stupid. What difference does it make if I made the purchases before or after the packs came out. You're still getting the money. Atleast announce that way before packs come out.

I really don't see a problem here.

Before the Po2 Supporter packs, there were none. Now there are PoE2 packs NOW. So it makes sense that from this moment onwards, only the supporter packs for PoE2 are counted. With so much going on, I can see it being a thing they forgot to mention along with the 100000 other things they are juggling with this launch and even if it was kept quiet intentionally, it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

True, if you are at $455 - $479 of the $480 and don't want to spent $30 to reach the goal, then you're out of luck. But they have told us the amount we needed to reach AGES ago before the Supporter Packs were announced.

If you didn't spend the money before then, most likely you'd forget anyway.

Also, this prevents people from just only supporting to get the free key, rather than ya know, SUPPORT GGG. The free key is a gift and a thank you for the generous support everyone provided on their own account.

Not just a product you buy to get into PoE2. That's what the PoE2 Supporter packs are for.

Sometimes I feel like people just want something to nitpick and hate over. Just buy the PoE2 Supporter packs and be grateful they are counting lifetime purchases BEFORE the supporter packs and giving out free keys in gratitude for their customers.

A lot of other companies wouldn't do this at all.

Also I got the free key due to spending enough and I still bought the Liberator pack, so I have extra keys and I'm sure others in the community have extra keys as well and need someone to gift them to. If you want a free key, I am sure there are ways to get one.
Last edited by amburguesa#1668 on Dec 4, 2024, 10:44:14 AM

"Let go of your earthly tether. Enter the void. Empty and become the wind."
~ Guru Laghima
Was looking at the skill gems on the poedb site. Do we know what skill gems are going to be in EA? Also I didn't see Winter Orb on there. So is the list incomplete or is Winter Orb not in POE2?
I have a massive project due on December 6th... but I want to play so badly.
It's been some time since I played and I'm totally hyped! Can't wait, very happy to get back into PoE! Even took the week off :)
When will the Steam client be available for download? Is it possible to download the game from the website, and then it appear on Steam, switch to the Steam version?
Can dark monk use darkness for minions and auras?

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