I really like how the females in POE 2 are actually beautiful and wears makeup

1453R wrote:
I know that as a woman fighting for my life against the endless demon hordes of Wraeclast, slaughtering demons in the thousands and wallowing in the mud, blood, and filth of this horrid, wretched corrupted continent, the first thing I'd think of would be making sure my cosmetics were perfect. Getting my makeup right and ensuring my tits were a millimeter away from Wardrobe Malfunction at all times are way more important than improving my battle abilities.


Yeah because spinning with 2 swords and triggering snow storm and lightning storms everytime you land a "critical hit" whatever that even means is so realistic

It really represents the everyday struggle of the average man

I am really glad GGG didn't listen to people like you and went ahead and gave us beautiful looking characters.

I don't give a f*** how unrealistic something in an imaginary video game world is, I will take the free eye candy anyday
Look how Awesome my MTX Marauder RF looks

Last edited by TriniGamer on Sep 4, 2024, 12:46:03 PM
hmcg020 wrote:
The irony of your post when it was the Devs that ugly-ified the IRL model.

Lol, what. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic setting where machines have taken over the world. And you don't have to quote an entire post, you know.

You misunderstand their point. They're saying that the real life actress is better looking than the character model, with the key implication being that you are offended by the altered image, even though the altered image is far closer to the actress' appearance.

Opinions aside, that is pretty humorous.
Aum_ wrote:
The absolute absurdity of "west" gamedevs making every female an actual male ogre is beyond me. Yet we are bombarded with girls "enhancing" their looks in all kinds of ways (make-up, surgery, botox, fillers) on ALL social media platforms. Its really beyond me what these dumb f*ck gamedevs are up to, but its definitely not what the male(the majority) of video games audience wants...

Straight up.

Representation? Not everyone playing video games is a man and some want to see normal looking women.

Not everyone looks like a Victoria's Secret model, and these ridiculous beauty standards are created and upheld by men largely for their own benefit.

Goodness forbid women gamers get to see regular women being represented in the media they're engaging with.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Pizzarugi wrote:
Aum_ wrote:
The absolute absurdity of "west" gamedevs making every female an actual male ogre is beyond me. Yet we are bombarded with girls "enhancing" their looks in all kinds of ways (make-up, surgery, botox, fillers) on ALL social media platforms. Its really beyond me what these dumb f*ck gamedevs are up to, but its definitely not what the male(the majority) of video games audience wants...

Straight up.

some want to see normal looking women.

Some is not the majority, sure put some ugly looking women in there too but it doesnt have to be every main playable character...

Also they did a poor job in representing the actual girl actress for Aloy's face.
[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Taylor_GGG on Sep 6, 2024, 5:34:59 PM
TriniGamer wrote:
I will take the free eye candy anyday

I'm clearly too old and/or touch too much grass for this thread. I'll just show myself out. Keep up whatever it is you're doing.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
If the male characters aren't in perfect shape - either 5% body fat, Cut, visibly defined 8 packs, or massive bulging muscles making armour look ridiculous - then I won't play!

Wait hold on, almost all games have that already. Almost every action game has attractive, unrealistically proportioned men. Nobody gives a shit about that though.

Please do go on about how offended you are someone appreciates having the female models not deliberately altered to make them less attractive than the IRL models. A very common, recent trend in gaming.

I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
Khallis wrote:
go back to the steam forums you can't farm clown badges here
🤡 you have one instead gotta love windows .
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thanks me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
not gonna lie as an older dude the teenagers who need every female in a videogame to look like they just walked out of a nail salon on their way to the club are giving off some serious micro peen energy.

Hot take: I want characters in a gritty or realistic looking game to look like real people. And I think artists who put makeup on female characters in those settings are just plain bad artists. Like not good at their jobs.

"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Pizzarugi wrote:
Aum_ wrote:
The absolute absurdity of "west" gamedevs making every female an actual male ogre is beyond me. Yet we are bombarded with girls "enhancing" their looks in all kinds of ways (make-up, surgery, botox, fillers) on ALL social media platforms. Its really beyond me what these dumb f*ck gamedevs are up to, but its definitely not what the male(the majority) of video games audience wants...

Straight up.

Representation? Not everyone playing video games is a man and some want to see normal looking women.

Not everyone looks like a Victoria's Secret model, and these ridiculous beauty standards are created and upheld by men largely for their own benefit.

Goodness forbid women gamers get to see regular women being represented in the media they're engaging with.

Not every woman wants to play ugly or "normal" women in video games, and video game characters are not "beauty standards". Nobody with more than 2 neurons is gonna think real women really have hips 3 times the size of their waist. And if they do they're not the men you're interested in anyway.

If a woman is "intimidated" by beautiful characters in a game the issue is with her self esteem not the game. Women gamers I know love customizing their character and making her as pretty as possible.

Even if that were not the case, women are a staggering minority in certain types of games so not the audience you wanna cater to anyway.

This idea that we need to make things uglier to make ourselves "prettier" is the real issue.
Last edited by Felix44 on Sep 5, 2024, 7:22:06 PM
alhazred70 wrote:
Hot take: I want characters in a gritty or realistic looking game to look like real people. And I think artists who put makeup on female characters in those settings are just plain bad artists. Like not good at their jobs.

Yeah, I don't think "these people" give a rats ass about "artists", art style, lore, story or whatever. "I just want to look at 3D baddies and you should give it to me because..." I couldn't finish that sentence, because I'm lost.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.

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