Thanks for 10 years+ of pleasure, can't wait to do it again with poe2

Holy crap it's been quite a journey, been playing poe since piety was the final boss in act 3.

I've played most leagues and did one char each time that i would build and refine myself, and played like 80% melee chars, usually stopped playing the league when i felt my char couldn't go higher. Ubers felt like an impossible wall to climb for a very long time

This league for the first time i was able to build a char that was capable of cleaning all content, and finally 40 challenge'd a league without relying on cheese mechanic or T0 insane legendaries and it feels amazing.

Thanks GGG for providing a complex enough playground for me to enjoy myself trying and retrying again and again for that long. I finally feel like i finally beaten POE and you can be sure i'll be there to do it all over again in POE2

Cheers exiles

Last bumped on Aug 30, 2024, 3:04:15 PM
I actually know nothing about POE2. Why getting hyped about something that is not even out yet
probably because ggg are master hype generators , I can't remember a trailer that wasn't fire
It's pretty simple, it's called "trust".
Not trust about a brand, trust about ppl. The three guys that made poe are still at the head of the company and I trust THEM to make another awesome game.
What trust? You just wait till the game is out, hear some opinions, check the scores, then give it a shot. Public opinion is way more important than blind trust
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Aug 30, 2024, 11:54:07 AM
It's free to play and it looks crispy. NN to wait for "public opinion" ;P I'll try it out myself the second it goes live for everybody.(if the servers let me do so that is^^)
Last edited by Strickl3r on Aug 30, 2024, 12:10:14 PM
Johny_Snow wrote:
What trust? You just wait till the game is out, hear some opinions, check the scores, then give it a shot. Public opinion is way more important than blind trust

Dude explained very well his words. What are you even on about? What that's even mean??? ""blind trust""???
On Probation Any%
This trust in developers gives us crappy games.
Johny_Snow wrote:
This trust in developers gives us crappy games.

Generalizing in this case doesn't make any sense.
On Probation Any%
Doesn't make it less true either.

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