Unethical scaling of item cost in trade league.

As the OP is also an Xbox player I have tried contacting him on Xbox to help him out. His first post was 2am local time for me, so I suspect different time zones, but if I can make contact I’ll get him up and running.
Timbo Zero wrote:
As the OP is also an Xbox player I have tried contacting him on Xbox to help him out. His first post was 2am local time for me, so I suspect different time zones, but if I can make contact I’ll get him up and running.

You are a better man than me. I have zero interest helping someone who went out of his way to attack me both in public AND via PM simply because I said there shouldn't be any need for Unnatural Instinct in his build. And multiple times at that.

OP is not interested in fixing his build or even learning about his build, hes interested in complaining about the game and receiving gratification from others agreeing with him.
jsuslak313 wrote:
Timbo Zero wrote:
As the OP is also an Xbox player I have tried contacting him on Xbox to help him out. His first post was 2am local time for me, so I suspect different time zones, but if I can make contact I’ll get him up and running.

You are a better man than me. I have zero interest helping someone who went out of his way to attack me both in public AND via PM simply because I said there shouldn't be any need for Unnatural Instinct in his build. And multiple times at that.

OP is not interested in fixing his build or even learning about his build, hes interested in complaining about the game and receiving gratification from others agreeing with him.

I can but try, up to them if they accept the help or not. :)

I am somewhat tempted to post my pobb.in of over 20 mil pinnacle dps and 160k+ ehp but fear the wrath of the forums elite players judging me lol
Last edited by Timbo Zero on Sep 1, 2024, 2:35:37 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
Xzorn wrote:

I'm enjoying my current quirky take on Earthshatter and it still has a lot of room.

I find that this is the key difference and the central problem with the OP. You presumably KNOW what you need to make your build function well and then improve over time. The OP only knows what will make the build function at its highest point, and nothing else.

Yea what I'm using now was actually my first character. I did Attack Speed break point calculations for it and determined I needed about 4.0 when also considering animation time. I need the 20 spikes down and the next on it's way when the first explodes within 0.6s.

The spikes were previously bugged so this is the first time the build is possible.

I quit the build when I saw a lot of streamers playing Shout Earthshatter and tried something else. I'll actually not play a build if I see others playing it. No one is trying this version though.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
you people are so off point and actually missing the point of the post lol.

1. I have no issues with my build other than min maxing and seeing how fare it can go.

2. UI scales almost any build due to the fact, you spend 1 to 3 points to get the bonuses from 10 to 40 passives....There is NOTHING ELSE IN THE GAME THAT CAN TO THIS!
3. This post was never addressed, Help im lose and my build doesnt work.
4. As for being attacked, you dipped into the post and just went off topic insulting my knowledge of the game.
5.As for contacting me and offering help, once again I did not need help. I have much bigger discords Im in if I needed help. I also thanked you for the offer!

[Removed by Support] This is about scaling cost, There should never be this high of cost even for basic, early game currency or matts.

1.chisel, 60=1div
2.Chrom 500=1div

The extreme difference in cost to playtime is just not viable. The most stable platform of the game is almost always used to support new platforms so that all ingame interactions stay stable.....Console will never dev a larger player base than now that is stable, due to the fact that they will play and quit due to not being able to go further because of time and not being able to improve gear due to cost..........

At closing, I Think you have a great hiero, matter fact it almost mirrors my late mapping to a T, That was not my goal. I Want A final Form that MAXES this build to its max.

Thank you
Last edited by CoryA_GGG on Sep 3, 2024, 11:24:30 AM
PC master race. Join or suffer.
This is about scaling cost, There should never be this high of cost even for basic, early game currency or matts.

(first of all....I didn't insult you btw. Re-read the first page. You insulted me after I simply pointed out a straight up fact about the game.)

Purely about this quote and nothing else: cost is entirely dictated by the playerbase. Drop rates of items do play a role, BUT the vast majority of what goes into the "cost" or value of an item is dependent on the players.

There is absolutely nothing GGG can or should do about that.

It just so happens to be a FACT that less people play on console. Because less players play, there is less on the market. Because there is less on the market, prices rise (supply and demand, supply is low / demand is high, high prices). This is especially true of rare unique items.

There might be a ratio of 1000 : 1 players on PC versus players on console, likely even higher than that. Convert that to pricing, there could be a similar value breakdown. It wouldn't be an exact comparison because not everyone who plays will be farming the same items. But it wouldn't be a stretch to think there is AT LEAST 100x more Unnatural Instincts on the market in PC, which therefore would make the price potentially 100x LESS on PC (if we assume linear relationship between supply and value).

Basically what I'm saying is......tough. You HAVE to deal with it and plan accordingly. PC players deal with this all the time....during unpopular leagues when everyone ditches the game after a few weeks or a month and the entire market falls apart. GGG will NOT increase drop rates for console players simply to appease the "market". That is not really their concern. You as a player need to learn how to navigate builds WITHOUT any "necessary" items. Like any SSF player would tell you. You can go the entire game, all the way to ubers, without ever once buying a single item from the market. People do it all the time. And you happen to be playing a build that can do it fairly easily. If you WANT to push to the min/max, expect it to take a TON of currency and a TON of time. It's not supposed to be easy to do.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 3, 2024, 1:19:26 PM

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