Crash during loading
I tried 5 times to continue playing ssf ruthless (from a couple of hours ago) and the game crashed on the load screen. Full freeze, no alt f4 or alt tab and close just ctrl alt del and restart. Tried 2 different characters in different locations and nothing has changed my end.
8 times now with characters in different leagues on different servers. Game is unplayable until fixed. 2 more crashes, 1 on login screen. Any suggestions? Back in somehow, and then crash on Kingsmarch load screen. New day, same crash, which can't be good for my computer. I am going to stop trying to play until it is fixed. Got back in and played for 2 or 3 minutes and got the same full freeze crash in combat. Day 3 game crashed after 10 mins this time, might not even try tomorrow. Does anyone from GGG read these? Day 4 Did not even try to play. This forum is called technical support no? Where is the support? Day 5 Same crash and not even a "sorry we are looking into it" message. 3.19 was a better league because even though it was awful it ran. I bought a supporter pack I did not need then to look after you guys when you were struggling. I need a new game it seems. Day 6 Still no support. Day 7 Same crash, different day - you are starting to make Blizzard look good because they at least read and responded to my messages, and btw uninstalling made me so happy - never went back. Day 8 Same Day 9 Still no support Days 10 - 13 No message from GGG to any of us, trying loads of different games. Day 14 Same crash and still no idea if GGG are even aware of the problem. I am not buying a supporter pack again and if anyone ever expresses an interest in playing poe or poe2 I will tell them it is a buggy puddle of loose stool water with no support until I am sure it has cost you more than paying someone to work on support. Week 3 GGG this is probably your most lucrative league. Still crashing and still no reply. Week 4 Same... Week 5 Still crashing. Not sure if GGG even know about this and is it worse if they do or not? Week 6 Same... Week 7 ... Week 8 ... Week 9 ... Week 10 ... Week 11 ... Got to play for 20 mins or so on relaunch before crashing, same day after, more than I have played in months but back to crash on loading. Week 12 ... Week 13 ... Kind of rude calling this support no? Last edited by Bobhive#4559 on Nov 18, 2024, 6:53:54 AM Last bumped on Jan 28, 2025, 10:33:03 AM
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I am getting the same issue, not sure why. I had no issues levelling, only recently the frozen load screens have started. I have tried shutting down programs in task manager and deleting programs which affect PC performance. The game worked again so I thought that helped. But then it crashed again during a loading screen to Kingsmarch. I think there is an issue going between towns as well. Have you been able to find any fixes on your end?
I also made a new character to see if that was the issue and the loading screen was still crashing Last edited by sarebear21#3845 on Aug 26, 2024, 3:43:55 AM
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Having the same issue. 2 characters both constant crashes on loading screens. Did a full reinstall and driver update, now it crashes before getting to login screen.
Edit: Crashing is now beyond the loading screen. Literally crashed in town. [ Last edited by rawlin6785#4546 on Sep 5, 2024, 9:20:12 PM
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TLDR POE and GGG are great, but sadly earlier this week something changed and anytime I am loading into a new area (Either kings march or map or anything, I have a 25% for POE to crash without any error logs. I would report more, but I have done a full reinstall of the game, checked for windows corruption, yadda yadda... it's not me, but something in the last hotfix. It's okay, but i'm done until further notice because I can't keep going into a map and then crashing and unable to get back into a map I spent a divine on.
I love you GGG but this is a bad one and maay end my league. I love you guys. 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13700KF 3.40 GHz 32.0 GB (31.8 GB usable) If I was to speculate, I suspect it has to do with nvidia overlay that I can't turn off. something towards the end of the loading screen crashes the game and I've shut off everything else. |
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It has almost been a week since I replied and I am still getting the same issues with the freezing. I was in a map, not a loading screen, and the game crashed. Then when logging back in, the game is crashing in the loading screen.
The disappointing thing is, there is nowhere to contact support other than posting something on the forums and hoping someone sees it. It would be good to have an issue notification process where anyone having this issue can have it worked through with visibility from the community. Currently, it's hard to know if anything is being done about this issue and there are other forum posts which have had this. Further to this, some of us only log in from time to time so to see a live update on the progress of the issue, rather than trawling through posts, would be beneficial rather than reposting on threads. |
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Started to me from yesterday. Always freezes on loading screen to karui shores. Nothing helps. I've updated nvidia drivers yesterday maybe this is the reason. Also uninstalled the game before that then installed again.
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I have the same problem and that started yesterday. Reinstalled the game on Steam and GG client, updated GPU and BIOS. The most the game was able to manage is out of like 20+ times to loading Karui shores twice -> hideout -> crashing when trying to get into a map.
Last edited by Zectolt#5366 on Sep 4, 2024, 1:53:24 AM
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Similar issue this side, you can try this fix. So far it has been working for me, especially when initially starting the game if you are receiving crashes while the game starts up.
1. search for your Path of Exile in the Win search bar > right click > open file location. Should take you to the shortcut that links to steam. 2. Right click the shortcut > properties > copy the URL Syntax will be: "steam:://rungameid/xxxxxxx" 3. Go to your desktop and create a new notepad file. Add the following: @echo off start "" steam://rungameid/<yourID> 4. Save the file with a .bat extension and try to run it via the bat file. It appears this happens because of some privilege issues, personally think someone at ggg messed up bad with this league. So much effort was put in creating an amazing league, but oh dear gawd does it have technical issues. Either that or they did not account for the settlers mechanics and all the new auto cast gems causing strain for the servers. Last edited by wilcoscheepers07601#7081 on Sep 4, 2024, 2:39:58 AM
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Crashing with my laptop to loading screens - desktop is fine.
I was on steam -> checked files -> didnt help. I downloaded normal Client (not-steam) -> still dont work. This has been like this for few days now... I dont know what to do :/ Who Are We? Where do we come from? Last edited by Cudez#7540 on Sep 4, 2024, 11:24:53 PM
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since weeks ago.
Same issues here, crash (not responding during loading) while start the game or loading the map... or re-enter to the map... etc. game crash( not responding) at the loading screen... tried reinstall the game after a few "suggested" fixes. but it happened without fail... trying my luck every time while at loading screen. please fix the issues. |
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