Kalguur design is a conflict with much of the game

So many areas are lacking design consideration on what Kalguur does to the game. I think the idea is interesting, but it really messes up playing much of the game. Delv does not produce any ore and little gold. Hiest does not produce any ore and.... Blight maps produce no Ore. ect....

No maps produce enough gold to keep the town going,,, the only thing you can do is run maps all other content produces little gold and no ore.

I like to run lots of different content not just only run maps so I can keep the town fed.

It does not possible to run more than one group of map runners. I ran 2 for a while but kept running out of gold. Seems three would just not work and really nothing much comes out of running maps anyway, a few chaos, once in a great while maybe something interesting.

Like wise running three ships seems impossible with the cost in gold to keep them running....

I still have not had 1 power rune drop with all the boss fights and shipments. Lots of runes just not the one needed. I'm not paying 5d for this so that may be 2 challenges not done.

Maybe this is just a bust, as I said it's an interesting idea but really yet again a design the doesn't really fit in the overall game.

If someone has suggestions other than just keep running maps suggesting welcome.

(not even going to go into the T17 design mess)

Last bumped on Aug 22, 2024, 3:10:08 AM
Your workers dont have to be all max level. Pick up those who cost less.

For a start.

Or just ignore Kingsmarch.
If your town costs are so high that you can sustain them even on just alch & go mapping, check carefully the workers that you have hired.

Their working wage is based on the highest salary of their known skill, not the skill they are using, and the pecking order of salary is mapper >>> enchanter >> farmer > sailor > miner = smith.

Especially when you get into the deep town levels, mapping and enchanting skill like to show up on workers with other skills, and you may end up paying such a worker easily 5 to 6 times the value of what they are assigned to.

My own town has all rank 9+ farmers, rank between 7 and 9 sailors (they keep getting deaded in brawls as fast as I can find good ones), average rank 8 miners and smiths, rank 8+ enchanters (average rank 9), and all rank 9+ mappers (average 9.5).

With everything but the mappers turned on, I can easily keep pace with my town budget doing even kirac missions. Doing delve (depth ~400) or low cost map juice (eg domination spec and scarabs) I can comfortably keep a net positive gold flow rate going with everybody turned on including mappers. With heavy investment map juicing (ambush spec + scarabs), I can do all that plus hold ample budget to run all the quality staff searches I need to replace dead mappers or drunk sailors.

All of this of course factors in a budget for currency conversion to obtain whatever scarabs I need.

As per claims of not fitting with the rest of the game? All I'll say is 95% of it runs in the background. It is by far the least intrusive league mechanic I have seen since the days of old when the leagues were anarchy, onslought, etc.

TL:DR, check your staff. If you struggle to pay them, I guarantee you are overpaying them.
sgar465 wrote:
So many areas are lacking design consideration on what Kalguur does to the game. I think the idea is interesting, but it really messes up playing much of the game. Delv does not produce any ore and little gold. Hiest does not produce any ore and.... Blight maps produce no Ore. ect....

No maps produce enough gold to keep the town going,,, the only thing you can do is run maps all other content produces little gold and no ore.

I like to run lots of different content not just only run maps so I can keep the town fed.

It does not possible to run more than one group of map runners. I ran 2 for a while but kept running out of gold. Seems three would just not work and really nothing much comes out of running maps anyway, a few chaos, once in a great while maybe something interesting.

Like wise running three ships seems impossible with the cost in gold to keep them running....

I still have not had 1 power rune drop with all the boss fights and shipments. Lots of runes just not the one needed. I'm not paying 5d for this so that may be 2 challenges not done.

Maybe this is just a bust, as I said it's an interesting idea but really yet again a design the doesn't really fit in the overall game.

If someone has suggestions other than just keep running maps suggesting welcome.

(not even going to go into the T17 design mess)

I agree with pretty much everything said here. Unfortunately, as you see from other replies, all you're going to get is "turn off workers" and "you don't have to have everything running all at once!" or the best, "ignore Kingsmarch!". (I'd be playing standard if I wanted to ignore Kingsmarch, thanks.) They're missing the point.

I enjoy heist/blight/delve all more than mapping. These all produce next to no gold. You already miss out from the ore deposits if you're not mapping, so why's the gold so bad in other content as well? Hell, even if you do ignore Kingsmarch completely, it's difficult to even keep up with the gold needed to use the exchange. I can hear it now -- "yOu cAn uSe tHe TrAdE sItE sTiLl!". Missing the point again. Literally if you don't grind t16 maps constantly, just forget about using gold entirely. Go play standard I guess.
Bit of an exaggeration imo. Yes all out of map mechanics produce very little gold, but you only have to run a few maps to sustain your town. If you don't like running maps at all, well, it's the core feature of the game so you're missing out on a lot more than just gold.

Get a gold farming atlas and run 3-4 T17 maps with it, this gives you enough gold for about 15 hrs (without mappers) and only takes 30mins (1 hr max if your build is sluggish)
i'll keep suggesting this whenever i see it.

ggg needs to give players the choice to have their workers operate at level 1 with level 1 wages.

players should not be punished for progressing in the game.

got a t10 worker? it should feel AWESOME. not "oh but he costs so much to maintain".

or "hmmm but i cant afford to keep the lights up with him around".

a toggle or slider can work.
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exsea wrote:
i'll keep suggesting this whenever i see it.

ggg needs to give players the choice to have their workers operate at level 1 with level 1 wages.

players should not be punished for progressing in the game.

got a t10 worker? it should feel AWESOME. not "oh but he costs so much to maintain".

or "hmmm but i cant afford to keep the lights up with him around".

a toggle or slider can work.

TBH despite that I think a lot of people are hiring workers who are overqualified (ie getting paid for things you aren't using them for), I can definitely get on board with this idea.

Related note, I'd also definitely support paying workers for the job you assign them to, rather than the one that rates them the highest paycheque.
Bigwilleh wrote:

TBH despite that I think a lot of people are hiring workers who are overqualified (ie getting paid for things you aren't using them for), I can definitely get on board with this idea.

Related note, I'd also definitely support paying workers for the job you assign them to, rather than the one that rates them the highest paycheque.

one thing i absolutely hate in POE is when the devs bring in a game mechanic from a different game but doesnt address all the nuances of the mechanics.

the thing you mentioned about being overqualified or being paid for the services you use, they are actually reasonable gameplay mechanics in a management sim.

it also applies in real life too. if you get someone overqualified, their skills are wasted.

as for pay, you pay the amount that both parties accept.

i can accept this gameplay mechanic, but unlike proper management sims, players have get free "rerolls" to find new hires.

i do see GGG did indeed give players some breathing space tho. if they dont work, we dont pay them, which is a huge plus.

and i would want to mention that this is something i appreciate.

tho sometimes it is not enough.

many players complained and may have already left the league because they hated "downtime" where they struggle to keep the lights on. in fact, i went a few days with no gold to save up enough to fully upgrade my town.

it did not feel good doing that. but i reckon if i dont do it now, i ll never do it later.

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Most of my guild quit this league because they didn't play hard enough to farm enough gold to keep their town running. They would log on with an immediate desire to farm gold, not equipment, not progress, gold.
Need gold to upgrade the town, need gold to keep the town running, they never made it to 8x mod corrupted t16s with a proper atlas for it to rain gold so they struggled.
Everytime you upgrade the town, upgrade the workers, you are required to farm even more gold to keep the lights on.
Want to get into mapping, well rnk9+ mappers or you're wasting gold.
Don't have enough ore to meet quotas, well map harder, faster, you'll not find ore in any other content, so map map map, no other content.

But yes, that feeling you're not actively engaging with the league if your town has run out of gold and it's even worse for those who can't farm enough gold to keep the lights on.
One point that I have heard made is that getting Mining to Tier 11 is critical. Not only is Mining key to most of your upgrades and shipping, but at Tier 11, you can get Gold to match the ore you mine. That's a nice bonus for putting in that effort, and it really isn't hard to achieve, especially if you're willing to forgo some other expenditures for a little while. =^[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie

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