How to get out from Developers shadow ban reduced loot?

Pizzarugi wrote:

This was after I spent 50+ divines on both buying gear for my fiance as well as getting myself relics for Sanctum after recently completing all of the town related challenges. This was all earned from mapping and experimenting with what leagues were the most profitable.

Ground loot is fine. Let go of the MF brainrot and join the rest of the players who've gotten by just fine without it.

You clearly don't see the big picture here. That currency of yours is pocket change.
Since the introduction of t17 game became exponentially harder.
You don't even see that base game difficulty has been raised firstly with mandatory Necropolis league mobs that made mapping twice as hard. That difficulty got baked in now into base monsters and mods. Have you tried Simulacrums maybe? Well monsters are substantially harder with new mods like steal charges, flask charges, extra extra damage, new resistances etc.
New scarabs? Just extra extra steps to get the same loot you were getting before without them.
Gold? Converted drops.
Uber boss drops, 10x harder to get.
Currency drops got nerfed and spread instead across 3x more numerous scarabs than before, that you have to invest atlas points on top.
We were farming like 3 invested league mechanics per map before. You can't do that now.
Sure your Wealthy Exile shows that you're gaining income, you just have to sell 100 types of different items to get divines.

Game got harder. Much much harder in various ways and currency is one of it.

If you want to say that you don't know how to make currency without the Affliction brainrot, just say that, but don't sit there and lie to me that currency farming is difficult.

Do you have any idea how easy it is to sell small items now that we have the currency exchange system in place?

"We were farming like 3 invested league mechanics per map before. You can't do that now."

All I did was experiment with a couple leagues like Incursion, Expedition, and Blight. Just one league at a time.

Inb4 it gets suggested I'm farming super juiced and/or T17 maps.

No, no I'm not.

PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Last edited by Pizzarugi on Aug 21, 2024, 10:35:25 AM
Mashgesture wrote:
ArtCrusade wrote:
Echothesis wrote:
Jesus, Art, stop acting like everything I say is a global offense. A damage type has lost the most obvious generic %more modifier, that it all. While Wrath was untouched :shrug:

Yeah, and Wrath was objectively the worse aura and had worse mods on Watcher's Eye available. The nerf was long overdue. I'll not apologise for getting annoyed when you say something so blatantly wrong.

We see this in practice as well, especially this league. Two of the strongest builds are cold damage. And guess what aura they dont need.

I know you sincerely cannot comprehend this, but "X best builds" and "PROPER builds" and "gud players" cannot serve as measurement of "practice", they are 1-5% playerbase. To not derail this thread further, there was another thread for this specific issue, where no one disputed old hatred was OP, but the way nerf was implemented, without providing at least a weaker, spell-specific alternative, was the issue. GGG has chosen the laziest way as usual, and did collateral damage to non-best builds.
Echothesis wrote:
I know you sincerely cannot comprehend this, but "X best builds" and "PROPER builds" and "gud players" cannot serve as measurement of "practice", they are 1-5% playerbase. To not derail this thread further, there was another thread for this specific issue, where no one disputed old hatred was OP, but the way nerf was implemented, without providing at least a weaker, spell-specific alternative, was the issue. GGG has chosen the laziest way as usual, and did collateral damage to non-best builds.

Which wasn't what we talked about. Your point was noted, but is irrelevant to the conversation.

On that though: you're the one unnecessarily nitpicking and derailing this thread further than it was already derailed. I said "base power was increased overall" and you said "this specific archetype was nerfed though!"

Yeah, duh, that's how balancing the game works. They buffed all archetypes by adding higher health rolls to rare gear and still some of the best meta builds are cold-based. Go figure why nerfing Hatred was necessary, Echo.

To circle back, OP actually thinks GGG shadowbanned them for posting criticism on the forums. If that were true you'd probably be able to contribute some
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Aug 21, 2024, 11:22:18 AM
ArtCrusade wrote:

To circle back, OP actually thinks GGG shadowbanned them for posting criticism on the forums. If that were true you'd probably be able to contribute some

Eheh, that statement is false, but not because I believe in GGG fairness and unwillingness to do shadow nerfs (the opposite actually). OP couldn't have been nerfed for criticism because there is (currently) no way to automatically and correctly assess forum posts as "criticism" to provide data for such a system in real-time.

Such nerf could only happen via human factor, where especially biased and high-ranking GGG member went and tweaked specific user account, which is highly unlikely.

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