China has a death log?

No other region does? WTF.. so over dying by one shots that I can't even determine where it came from.... lame game..
Last bumped on Aug 16, 2024, 6:57:52 PM
Last edited by sownice on Aug 23, 2024, 7:14:15 AM
china also has loot pick up pet and bunch of other things people here have been asking for
China realizes quality of life improvements make money by keeping people around. not 'friction.'
Ah, it's this time of the feedback forum again.

Here's an example screenshot of the very limited chinese deathlog because I'm 100% certain nobody in here has actually looked at it.

It does not show the damage type. It does not tell you if it was a dot or if you had any relevant debuffs on you. It merely shows the last source for the last bit of damage you took.

Here's a few more things the chinese realm actually had in the past and still has in some way or another:

- A full pay to play(~$10) league that features extra campaign rewards like goldrim and tabula rasa.
- A loot pet (~$15 for 90days - yes, it's time limited).
- Up to 60 additional inventory slots (they are league-specific and have to be bought every league).
- Atlas passive tree and skill tree respec points(~$0.15 per point).
- "Rebirth tokens" preventing exp loss on death for cash.

Obviously there's plenty more but you get the point.

These are certainly not QoL features unless you have no clue what the term means in the first place. They alter gameplay significantly, giving clear advantages for money and encourage developers to purposefully make the game worse to empty more wallets.
Scarletsword wrote:
Ah, it's this time of the feedback forum again.

Here's an example screenshot of the very limited chinese deathlog because I'm 100% certain nobody in here has actually looked at it.

It does not show the damage type. It does not tell you if it was a dot or if you had any relevant debuffs on you. It merely shows the last source for the last bit of damage you took.

Here's a few more things the chinese realm actually had in the past and still has in some way or another:

- A full pay to play(~$10) league that features extra campaign rewards like goldrim and tabula rasa.
- A loot pet (~$15 for 90days - yes, it's time limited).
- Up to 60 additional inventory slots (they are league-specific and have to be bought every league).
- Atlas passive tree and skill tree respec points(~$0.15 per point).
- "Rebirth tokens" preventing exp loss on death for cash.

Obviously there's plenty more but you get the point.

These are certainly not QoL features unless you have no clue what the term means in the first place. They alter gameplay significantly, giving clear advantages for money and encourage developers to purposefully make the game worse to empty more wallets.

Not sure why you have to stick the p2win stuff on this post, nobody mentioned p2w stuff, but as always you have to try and bring down others with useless information.

How long did it took GGG to increase pickup range? How long did it took to introduce some sort of exchange market?

Small things like being able to press a hotkey to open a portal, the only thing GGG cares is creating friction to force players to stay longer, while neglecting the real reason people play games for longer period of times.

It took LE/D4 to come out with a lot of QoL for GGG to finally implement some, what does that say about GGG?
Pff, who even plays Standard?
Scarletsword wrote:
Ah, it's this time of the feedback forum again.

Here's an example screenshot of the very limited chinese deathlog because I'm 100% certain nobody in here has actually looked at it.

It does not show the damage type. It does not tell you if it was a dot or if you had any relevant debuffs on you. It merely shows the last source for the last bit of damage you took.

Here's a few more things the chinese realm actually had in the past and still has in some way or another:

- A full pay to play(~$10) league that features extra campaign rewards like goldrim and tabula rasa.
- A loot pet (~$15 for 90days - yes, it's time limited).
- Up to 60 additional inventory slots (they are league-specific and have to be bought every league).
- Atlas passive tree and skill tree respec points(~$0.15 per point).
- "Rebirth tokens" preventing exp loss on death for cash.

Obviously there's plenty more but you get the point.

These are certainly not QoL features unless you have no clue what the term means in the first place. They alter gameplay significantly, giving clear advantages for money and encourage developers to purposefully make the game worse to empty more wallets.

just going to point out, I don't care if other players buy power, good for them. It isn't as bad as you think it is, especially in other cultures/countires. A lot of people in the non chinese servers play out like 400$ in mtx, I am sure they wouldn't mind playing for more inventory space etc.

Personally I wouldn't because I don't like those practices, its why I don't purchase mtx in any game.

But their death log works well, it tells you the monster and the ability that kills you. It would be very nice to have it here. When the deaths say it is impossible they are full of bs.
ZarkBit wrote:

Not sure why you have to stick the p2win stuff on this post, nobody mentioned p2w stuff, but as always you have to try and bring down others with useless information

Oh, I don't know. Maybe because literally two people before me were talking about it. Just a guess though.
sownice wrote:
china has taken over, tencent is making the rules
Non-China not having a death log is (AFAIK) not a symptom of Tencent making the rules...
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
ZarkBit wrote:

How long did it took GGG to increase pickup range? How long did it took to introduce some sort of exchange market?

Small things like being able to press a hotkey to open a portal, the only thing GGG cares is creating friction to force players to stay longer, while neglecting the real reason people play games for longer period of times.

It took LE/D4 to come out with a lot of QoL for GGG to finally implement some, what does that say about GGG?

Nice theory I guess. But the reason we're getting all of this qol at once is because there's a new guy in charge of path of exile 1. Has literally nothing to do with any other games besides path of exile 2.

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