Thaumaturgic Dust - now useless basically

Universalis wrote:
It's finally verified wrong for me since i only do like 1 million small shipments: I get my divines orbs like a clock. 1 by 1 tho, and not the hightest runes. I only add like 100k dust tho.

Not sure that generating infinite currency is good tho.

Can you post your exact strategy? I would like to test it.

I played around today and got zero divs (I used to get around 1div/6ship). Today, I shipped between 1000-5000 of each crop and between 1k and 1000k dust about 18 times.

In the last test, I sent 3 shipments with 1k each crop and 10k, 100k and 1000k dust, respectively. No divs and no real difference between results of these shipments. Each had around 3 chaos + stuff. The 100k dust one had an exalt.
mooris_pl wrote:
Universalis wrote:
It's finally verified wrong for me since i only do like 1 million small shipments: I get my divines orbs like a clock. 1 by 1 tho, and not the hightest runes. I only add like 100k dust tho.

Not sure that generating infinite currency is good tho.

Can you post your exact strategy? I would like to test it.

I played around today and got zero divs (I used to get around 1div/6ship). Today, I shipped between 1000-5000 of each crop and between 1k and 1000k dust about 18 times.

In the last test, I sent 3 shipments with 1k each crop and 10k, 100k and 1000k dust, respectively. No divs and no real difference between results of these shipments. Each had around 3 chaos + stuff. The 100k dust one had an exalt.

I use website to decide which reward i prefer when i complete the minerals quotas. I dont send all mineral, only a sample of 1000 bars, as example. But if it's a good reward it send like half of all bars i have.

For the rest it just spend all the crop generated since last shipment by my level 9 & 10 farmers.

I remake the crew each time, giving 0 risk by adding sailors 1 by 1 starting from the bottom of the list. Most of the time i use 2-3 sailors. I have up to 3 ships running.

All this is irrealistic anyway since we don't have to pay IDLE settlers, but maybe ggg could "fix" that LOL --- and lol.

Sailors are too cheap.
Last edited by Universalis on Aug 14, 2024, 4:57:18 PM

Continue to print for me
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Nomancs wrote:

Continue to print for me

Are you not concerned with the issues the others are describing?
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Aug 14, 2024, 5:03:21 PM
Nomancs wrote:

Continue to print for me

Are you not concerned with the issues the others are describing?

That they send 50mil shipments and get nothing? or that they don't add dust? No, because they play same card every league.

EDIT: Only issue I agree with here is @Universalis about generating infinite currency.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 14, 2024, 5:14:06 PM
Nomancs wrote:

That they send 50mil shipments and get nothing? or that they don't add dust? No, because they play same card every league.

EDIT: Only issue I agree with here is @Universalis about generating infinite currency.

I'm sending very tiny shipments compared to almost everyone who's posting their stats in this thread, it does not feel like the thaumaturgic dust's downsides are worth the upsides especially at the scale im shipping like 1000 crimson iron, 2.4k orgourds and 4k dust with 4 level 5-6 crew.

one div out of all my shipments so far as well, i consistently try to only send shipments to ports with highly favorable ratings like 90% with a lot of it being food and generally whatever i can pack on top of it that is in excess.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Aug 14, 2024, 5:54:14 PM
Nomancs wrote:

That they send 50mil shipments and get nothing? or that they don't add dust? No, because they play same card every league.

EDIT: Only issue I agree with here is @Universalis about generating infinite currency.

I'm sending very tiny shipments compared to almost everyone who's posting their stats in this thread, it does not feel like the thaumaturgic dust's downsides are worth the upsides especially at the scale im shipping like 1000 crimson iron, 2.4k orgourds and 4k dust with 4 level 5-6 crew.

one div out of all my shipments so far as well, i consistently try to only send shipments to ports with highly favorable ratings like 90% with a lot of it being food and generally whatever i can pack on top of it that is in excess.

So you probably finished campaign very recently. Focus on upgrading town first, prioritize farmers as best workers, your disenchanter must be upgraded to max (you don't have to hire great workers, any will do), disenchant uniques, get plenty of dust, add dust to your shipments. I send 500k-1m shipments, 60-70% of it is often dust. I get 30k-200k dust from disenchanted unique every 10min or so. Save your gold till you do your upgrades.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Nomancs wrote:

So you probably finished campaign very recently. Focus on upgrading town first, prioritize farmers as best workers, your disenchanter must be upgraded to max (you don't have to hire great workers, any will do), disenchant uniques, get plenty of dust, add dust to your shipments. I send 500k-1m shipments, 60-70% of it is often dust. I get 30k-200k dust from disenchanted unique every 10min or so. Save your gold till you do your upgrades.

I have quite a ways to go to catch up to everyone, My internet provider wasn't doing well so i couldn't play for a week or two and that was after all only my first shipment in the new patch so i'll see soon what happens with the next couple.
Innocence forgives you
Yeah i was enjoying the league till this patch even to spite the nerfed organic loots in maps. Things were manageable for me at least in the town. For reference, im maybe a average player, not rich with currency , have a little extra time to play daily vs average 9-5er. My shipment yields felt rewarding enough when you tied RNG in with the occasional Div on return. Not 1 ship has returned a div since patch, and has seemingly been FAR less rewarding with the same materials i was sending, and for what seems to be 10x the materials the ships seem to return the same. Im not a fan of the changes. In all honesty, i will give it a few more days and see if its just a bad RNG stretch, if it is in fact a nerf to anyone who isnt in the 1% of players, i will simply walk away and check out D4 new season *Shrug.
Can we get some communication here GGG this is just sad.

You totally ruined the entire league with this change.
~ Seph

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